
I have multiple deployed websites on iis server and their url are like this https://demo20.myapp1.com:51500/ https://demo20.myapp2.com:51501/ Etc

These are vue js implemented websites.

Now i have been assigned to hide/remove port numbers from these websites url. So my target will be

https://demo20.myapp1.com/ https://demo20.myapp2.com/

Is that achievable ? If yes, how ? I am new to this iis management thing so any help will be highly appreciated

  • 4
    The only way to "hide" the port numbers, is by using the default ports for the respective protocol. So that'd be 80 for HTTP, and 443 for HTTPS.
    – CBroe
    Commented Jun 25 at 9:23
  • Yes, this is weird that you have a different one to begin with tbh.
    – kissu
    Commented Jun 25 at 9:58
  • This is production server, with many websites in the iis manager. Even if i use 443 for https, it will work on only one, but i have multiple running at the same time Commented Jun 25 at 14:29
  • I mean, you need a domain management kind of system for that one then. Like some virtual hosts or subdomains etc...a single URL is not supposed to host 40 websites by nature.
    – kissu
    Commented Jun 25 at 14:31
  • "it will work on only one", but IIS 8+ supports countless HTTPS sites on port 443 even on a single IP address due to the added SNI support.
    – Lex Li
    Commented Jun 27 at 5:18


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