I need to read keys from stdin without blocking, and without only recieving them when a newline is pressed. The way i would like it be formatted is a sequence, where each item is a keypress or ascii char, of every key pressed since the last time I called this procedure.

I tried the following code:

while true:
    let ch = readChar(stdin)
    echo ch

but the keys are only recieved after I press a newline, and then they come in 1 by 1.

1 Answer 1


Have you tried to https://github.com/johnnovak/illwill ?

Something like :

import os, illwill


while true:
  var key = getKey()
  case key
  of Key.None: discard
  of Key.Escape, Key.Q:
    echo "Key pressed: ", $key
  • You might also want to look into termkey (but I never used it)
    – Clonk
    Commented Jun 18 at 12:18

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