I'm working on the SAP Hybris e-commerce platform and encountered a Cypress issue while trying to click on a product in the product list. Cypress successfully finds the product by its code. The product list from Hybris organizes products by market, and I was trying to interact with a product in the Slovakia market.

I used the class name of the product, but since there are multiple elements with the same class name on the page, I used the .eq(8) command to target the 9th element. However, Cypress initially couldn't find the element. I've thought it was because it was outside the viewport. To resolve this, I added the .scrollIntoView() command to scroll the page down so that Cypress could find and interact with the element.

The final command I've used looks like this:


enter image description here As you can see on the screenshot the Cypress error says:

We initially found matching element(s), but while waiting for them to become actionable, they disappeared from the page. Common situations why this happens:

  • Your JS framework re-rendered asynchronously
  • Your app code reacted to an event firing and removed the element

Here is the HTML element I'm trying to interact with:

<span id="kAYZbx60" class="yw-coll-browser-hyperlink z-label" title=" [] - VEEV Sleeve Lake [G0000499] - Slovakia Product Catalog : Staged"> [] - VEEV Sleeve Lake [G0000499] - Slovakia Product Catalog : Staged</span>

enter image description here

In the meantime, I've tried using the following command, and it seems to be working fine:

cy.get('span.yw-coll-browser-hyperlink').contains("VEEV Sleeve Lake [G0000499] - Slovakia Product Catalog : Staged").scrollIntoView().should('be.visible').click({force:true});

I've used the .contains() command instead of .eq().

  • 1
    Cypress is not so good with sophisticated frameworks like SAP, it tends to get confused when the page refreshes. You may find Playwright gives better results.
    – Kiowa
    Commented Jun 12 at 22:02


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