Hello there I am trying to make a 2d Android game in unity , and I want to incorporate Facebook login with firebase auth as a login method , I am using lasts stable unity version 2022.3.32f1 and last stable Facebook sdk17.0.1 and last firebase auth 12.0.0 Now when I run the game in unity editor it works fine and every things run smoothly, but when I build the apk and run it on my Android device the firebase auth not intialized (i removed facebook sdk till I find the solution) I searched for an answer and didn't find any thing

my logcat :

0001/01/01 00:00:00.000 -1 -1 Info --------- beginning of main 2024/06/13 21:33:41.916 14538 14538 Info crewMultiplayer Using CollectorTypeCC GC. 2024/06/13 21:33:41.922 14538 14538 Error crewMultiplayer Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 2024/06/13 21:33:41.929 14538 14538 Info MessageMonitor Load libmiui_runtime 2024/06/13 21:33:41.956 14538 14538 Debug CompatibilityChangeReporter Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10251; state: ENABLED 2024/06/13 21:33:41.963 14538 28819 Debug AppScoutStateMachine 14538-ScoutStateMachinecreated 2024/06/13 21:33:41.963 14538 14538 Debug nativeloader Configuring classloader-namespace for other apk /data/app/~~T3H8kg6FqRYJAT36XKHs7g==/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer-4_zQHU9EUTa4jGOs6fqUhQ==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~T3H8kg6FqRYJAT36XKHs7g==/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer-4_zQHU9EUTa4jGOs6fqUhQ==/lib/arm64:/data/app/~~T3H8kg6FqRYJAT36XKHs7g==/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer-4_zQHU9EUTa4jGOs6fqUhQ==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, permitted_path=/data:/mnt/expand:/data/user/0/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer 2024/06/13 21:33:41.969 14538 14538 Info Perf Connecting to perf service. 2024/06/13 21:33:41.973 14538 14538 Verbose GraphicsEnvironment ANGLE Developer option for 'com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer' set to: 'default' 2024/06/13 21:33:41.973 14538 14538 Verbose GraphicsEnvironment ANGLE GameManagerService for com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer: false 2024/06/13 21:33:41.973 14538 14538 Verbose GraphicsEnvironment Updatable production driver is not supported on the device. 2024/06/13 21:33:41.976 14538 14538 Info ForceDarkHelperStubImpl initialize for com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer , ForceDarkOrigin 2024/06/13 21:33:41.977 14538 14538 Debug crewMultiplayer JNI_OnLoad success 2024/06/13 21:33:41.977 14538 14538 Info MiuiForceDarkConfig setConfig density:2.750000, mainRule:0, secondaryRule:0, tertiaryRule:0 2024/06/13 21:33:41.978 14538 14538 Debug NetworkSecurityConfig No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 2024/06/13 21:33:41.978 14538 14538 Debug NetworkSecurityConfig No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 2024/06/13 21:33:41.980 14538 14538 Warn FirebaseApp Default FirebaseApp failed to initialize because no default options were found. This usually means that com.google.gms:google-services was not applied to your gradle project. 2024/06/13 21:33:41.980 14538 14538 Info FirebaseInitProvider FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful 2024/06/13 21:33:41.983 14538 14538 Debug MiuiMultiWindowAdapter MiuiMultiWindowAdapter::getFreeformVideoWhiteListInSystem::LIST_ABOUT_SUPPORT_LANDSCAPE_VIDEO = [com.hunantv.imgo.activity, com.tencent.qqlive, com.qiyi.video, com.hunantv.imgo.activity.inter, com.tencent.qqlivei18n, com.iqiyi.i18n, tv.danmaku.bili] 2024/06/13 21:33:41.992 14538 14538 Warn libc Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.df.effect.conflict" 2024/06/13 21:33:41.997 14538 14538 Debug IS_CTS_MODE false 2024/06/13 21:33:41.997 14538 14538 Debug MULTI_WINDOW_ENABLED false 2024/06/13 21:33:41.999 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.057 14538 14538 Info IL2CPP JNI_OnLoad 2024/06/13 21:33:42.073 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.073 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] updateDecorCaptionStatus windowMode is 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.100 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceView UPDATE null, mIsCastMode = false 2024/06/13 21:33:42.104 14538 14538 Error SurfaceSyncer Failed to find sync for id=0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.117 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceView UPDATE Surface(name=SurfaceView[com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity])/@0xca15b60, mIsProjectionMode = false 2024/06/13 21:33:42.117 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceControl nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection 2024/06/13 21:33:42.118 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceControl nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection 2024/06/13 21:33:42.118 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceControl nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection 2024/06/13 21:33:42.124 14538 14538 Error SurfaceSyncer Failed to find sync for id=0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.130 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus true 2024/06/13 21:33:42.131 14538 14538 Info HandWritingStubImpl refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.131 14538 14538 Info HandWritingStubImpl getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.143 14538 28842 Info Unity MemoryManager: Using 'Dynamic Heap' Allocator. 2024/06/13 21:33:42.152 14538 14538 Info HandWritingStubImpl getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.188 14538 28842 Info Unity SystemInfo CPU = ARM64 FP ASIMD AES, Cores = 8, Memory = 11198mb 2024/06/13 21:33:42.188 14538 28842 Info Unity SystemInfo ARM big.LITTLE configuration: 4 big (mask: 0xf0), 4 little (mask: 0xf) 2024/06/13 21:33:42.188 14538 28842 Info Unity ApplicationInfo com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer version 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.188 14538 28842 Info Unity Built from '2022.3/staging' branch, Version '2022.3.32f1 (c8300dc0a3fa)', Build type 'Release', Scripting Backend 'il2cpp', CPU 'arm64-v8a', Stripping 'Enabled' 2024/06/13 21:33:42.202 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.202 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] updateDecorCaptionStatus windowMode is 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.336 14538 28842 Info Unity Company Name: Youleen 2024/06/13 21:33:42.336 14538 28842 Info Unity Product Name: Screw Multiplayer 2024/06/13 21:33:42.342 14538 28842 Debug vulkan searching for layers in '/data/app/~~T3H8kg6FqRYJAT36XKHs7g==/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer-4_zQHU9EUTa4jGOs6fqUhQ==/lib/arm64' 2024/06/13 21:33:42.342 14538 28842 Debug vulkan searching for layers in '/data/app/~~T3H8kg6FqRYJAT36XKHs7g==/com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer-4_zQHU9EUTa4jGOs6fqUhQ==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a' 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 ===== BEGIN DUMP OF OVERRIDDEN SETTINGS ===== 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 ===== END DUMP OF OVERRIDDEN SETTINGS ===== 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 QUALCOMM build : 329cf4c2a7, I63533b1e29 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Date : 01/31/23 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Shader Compiler Version : EV031.35.01.12 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Local Branch
: 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch
: refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM. 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch : NONE 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Config : S P 10.0.7 AArch64 2024/06/13 21:33:42.349 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/hw/vulkan.adreno.so 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 QUALCOMM build : 329cf4c2a7, I63533b1e29 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Date
: 01/31/23 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Shader Compiler Version : EV031.35.01.12 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Local Branch : 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM. 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Remote Branch : NONE 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Build Config : S P 10.0.7 AArch64 2024/06/13 21:33:42.352 14538 28842 Info AdrenoVK-0 Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/hw/vulkan.adreno.so 2024/06/13 21:33:42.370 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/13 21:33:42.372 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils <validate_memory_layout_input_parmas:1970>: Unknown Format 0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.372 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils <adreno_init_memory_layout:4720>: Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/13 21:33:42.372 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/13 21:33:42.372 14538 28842 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.372 14538 28842 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.372 14538 28842 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.373 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/13 21:33:42.373 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils <validate_memory_layout_input_parmas:1970>: Unknown Format 0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.373 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils <adreno_init_memory_layout:4720>: Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/13 21:33:42.373 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/13 21:33:42.373 14538 28842 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.373 14538 28842 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.373 14538 28842 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.384 14538 28920 Debug Choreographer Attaching thread to JVM for AChoreographer 2024/06/13 21:33:42.385 14538 28842 Verbose SwappyVk SwappyVk initialized for VkDevice 0xb400007c13202660 using VK_GOOGLE_display_timing on Android 2024/06/13 21:33:42.385 14538 28842 Info SwappyVk Returning refresh duration of 8333333 nsec (approx 120.000005 Hz) 2024/06/13 21:33:42.394 14538 28842 Verbose MediaRouter Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 2024/06/13 21:33:42.394 14538 28842 Info MediaRouter Skip setBluetoothA2dpOn(): types=8388615, isPlaybackActive()=false, BT route=null 2024/06/13 21:33:42.400 14538 28842 Warn AidlConversion aidl2legacy_AudioChannelLayout_audio_channel_mask_t: no legacy output audio_channel_mask_t found for AudioChannelLayout{layoutMask: 16} 2024/06/13 21:33:42.410 14538 28842 Debug crewMultiplayer PlayerBase::PlayerBase() 2024/06/13 21:33:42.410 14538 28842 Debug crewMultiplayer TrackPlayerBase::TrackPlayerBase() 2024/06/13 21:33:42.411 14538 28842 Info libOpenSLES Emulating old channel mask behavior (ignoring positional mask 0x3, using default mask 0x3 based on channel count of 2) 2024/06/13 21:33:42.411 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack set(sessionId=26633) 2024/06/13 21:33:42.411 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack set(): streamType 3, sampleRate 48000, format 0x1, channelMask 0x3, frameCount 0, flags #104, notificationFrames -10, sessionId 26633, transferType 0, uid -1, pid -1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.411 14538 28842 Warn AudioTrack set(): notificationFrames=-10 clamped to the range -1 to -8 2024/06/13 21:33:42.423 14538 28842 Info AudioTrack createTrack_l(0): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 0 -> 1536 2024/06/13 21:33:42.426 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack start(2111): prior state:STATE_STOPPED 2024/06/13 21:33:42.427 14538 14538 Debug MediaRouter onRestoreRoute() : route=RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 2024/06/13 21:33:42.427 14538 14538 Verbose MediaRouter Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 2024/06/13 21:33:42.571 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/13 21:33:42.571 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils <validate_memory_layout_input_parmas:1970>: Unknown Format 0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.571 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils <adreno_init_memory_layout:4720>: Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/13 21:33:42.571 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/13 21:33:42.571 14538 28842 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.572 14538 28842 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.572 14538 28842 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.572 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/13 21:33:42.572 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils <validate_memory_layout_input_parmas:1970>: Unknown Format 0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.572 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils <adreno_init_memory_layout:4720>: Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/13 21:33:42.572 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/13 21:33:42.572 14538 28842 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.573 14538 28842 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/13 21:33:42.573 14538 28842 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:42.592 14538 28842 Verbose SwappyVk SwappyVk initialized for VkDevice 0xb400007c13202660 using VK_GOOGLE_display_timing on Android 2024/06/13 21:33:42.592 14538 28842 Info SwappyVk Returning refresh duration of 8333333 nsec (approx 120.000005 Hz) 2024/06/13 21:33:43.435 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 1s(f:0 m:1000 s:0 k:1000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:44.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 2s(f:0 m:2000 s:0 k:2000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:45.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 3s(f:0 m:3000 s:0 k:3000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:46.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 4s(f:0 m:4000 s:0 k:4000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:47.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 5s(f:0 m:5000 s:0 k:5000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:48.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 6s(f:0 m:6000 s:0 k:6000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity AndroidVideoMedia: No tracks in sharedassets1.resource 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #0 0x7baa675a1c (libunity.so) ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #1 0x7baaaa66e8 (libunity.so) ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #2 0x7baa81dc94 (libunity.so) ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #3 0x7baa81d084 (libunity.so) ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #4 0x7baa817150 (libunity.so) ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #5 0x7baa8131f4 (libunity.so) ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #6 0x7baa4a6720 (libunity.so) ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #7 0x7baa4a6c9c (libunity.so) ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #8 0x7baa4a73f4 (libunity.so) ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #9 0x7baa54b30c (libunity.so) ? 0x0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #10 0x7cc4d3c5c8 (libc.so) __pthread_start(void*) 0xd0 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity #11 0x7cc4cd5fbc (libc.so) __start_thread 0x44 2024/06/13 21:33:48.859 14538 28895 Warn Unity 2024/06/13 21:33:48.956 14538 29172 Error firebase Failed to read Firebase options from the app's resources. Either make sure google-services.json is included in your build or specify options explicitly. 2024/06/13 21:33:48.974 14538 29172 Info IL2CPP Locale en-US 2024/06/13 21:33:49.018 14538 28842 Error firebase Failed to read Firebase options from the app's resources. Either make sure google-services.json is included in your build or specify options explicitly. 2024/06/13 21:33:49.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 7s(f:0 m:7000 s:0 k:7000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:50.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 8s(f:0 m:8000 s:0 k:8000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:51.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 9s(f:0 m:9000 s:0 k:9000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:52.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 10s(f:0 m:10000 s:0 k:10000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:53.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 11s(f:0 m:11000 s:0 k:11000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:54.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 12s(f:0 m:12000 s:0 k:12000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:55.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 13s(f:0 m:13000 s:0 k:13000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:56.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 14s(f:0 m:14000 s:0 k:14000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:57.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 15s(f:0 m:15000 s:0 k:15000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:58.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 16s(f:0 m:16000 s:0 k:16000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:59.436 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 17s(f:0 m:17000 s:0 k:17000) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:33:59.938 14538 28842 Debug crewMultiplayer PlayerBase::stop() from IPlayer 2024/06/13 21:33:59.938 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack stop(sessionID=26633) 2024/06/13 21:33:59.938 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack stop(2111): prior state:STATE_ACTIVE 2024/06/13 21:33:59.938 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack stop(2111): called with 834432 frames delivered 0001/01/01 00:00:00.000 -1 -1 Info --------- beginning of system 2024/06/13 21:33:59.945 14538 14538 Warn Activity PerfMonitor: Slow Operation: Activity com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity onPause took 53ms 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 QUALCOMM build : 329cf4c2a7, I63533b1e29 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Build Date : 01/31/23 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.35.01.12 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Local Branch : 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Remote Branch : refs/tags/AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.UM. 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Remote Branch
: NONE 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Reconstruct Branch : NOTHING 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Build Config : S P 10.0.7 AArch64 2024/06/13 21:33:59.978 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLESv2_adreno.so 2024/06/13 21:33:59.986 14538 29584 Info AdrenoGLES-0 PFP: 0x016dc094, ME: 0x00000000 2024/06/13 21:34:00.011 14538 29584 Warn libc Access denied finding property "vendor.migl.debug" 2024/06/13 21:34:00.018 14538 29584 Error libEGL pre_cache appList: ,, 2024/06/13 21:34:00.031 14538 29584 Error libEGL pre_cache appList: ,, 2024/06/13 21:34:00.141 14538 14538 Error BLASTBufferQueue VRI[UnityPlayerActivity]#0 Applying pending transactions on dtor 1 2024/06/13 21:34:00.146 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus false 2024/06/13 21:34:00.162 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode is 1 2024/06/13 21:34:00.162 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] updateDecorCaptionStatus windowMode is 1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.571 14538 28925 Debug AppScoutStateMachine 14538-ScoutStateMachinecreated 2024/06/13 21:34:07.590 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceView UPDATE Surface(name=SurfaceView[com.Youleen.ScrewMultiplayer/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity])/@0xa4b1b23, mIsProjectionMode = false 2024/06/13 21:34:07.590 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceControl nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection 2024/06/13 21:34:07.590 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceControl nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection 2024/06/13 21:34:07.591 14538 14538 Debug SurfaceControl nativeSetScreenProjection ===> setScreenProjection 2024/06/13 21:34:07.591 14538 14538 Error SurfaceSyncer Failed to find sync for id=0 2024/06/13 21:34:07.591 14538 14538 Error SurfaceSyncer Failed to find sync for id=1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.591 14538 14538 Error SurfaceSyncer Failed to find sync for id=2 2024/06/13 21:34:07.671 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus true 2024/06/13 21:34:07.671 14538 14538 Info HandWritingStubImpl refreshLastKeyboardType: 1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.671 14538 14538 Info HandWritingStubImpl getCurrentKeyboardType: 1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.680 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/13 21:34:07.680 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils <validate_memory_layout_input_parmas:1970>: Unknown Format 0 2024/06/13 21:34:07.680 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils <adreno_init_memory_layout:4720>: Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/13 21:34:07.680 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/13 21:34:07.680 14538 28842 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.681 14538 28842 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.681 14538 28842 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/13 21:34:07.682 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuPixelFormat: No map for format: 0x38 2024/06/13 21:34:07.682 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils <validate_memory_layout_input_parmas:1970>: Unknown Format 0 2024/06/13 21:34:07.682 14538 28842 Error AdrenoUtils <adreno_init_memory_layout:4720>: Memory Layout input parameter validation failed! 2024/06/13 21:34:07.682 14538 28842 Error qdgralloc GetGpuResourceSizeAndDimensions Graphics metadata init failed 2024/06/13 21:34:07.682 14538 28842 Error Gralloc4 isSupported(1, 1, 56, 1, ...) failed with 1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.682 14538 28842 Error GraphicBufferAllocator Failed to allocate (4 x 4) layerCount 1 format 56 usage b00: 1 2024/06/13 21:34:07.682 14538 28842 Error AHardwareBuffer GraphicBuffer(w=4, h=4, lc=1) failed (Unknown error -1), handle=0x0 2024/06/13 21:34:07.715 14538 28842 Verbose SwappyVk SwappyVk initialized for VkDevice 0xb400007c13202660 using VK_GOOGLE_display_timing on Android 2024/06/13 21:34:07.715 14538 28842 Info SwappyVk Returning refresh duration of 8333333 nsec (approx 120.000005 Hz) 2024/06/13 21:34:07.722 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack start(2111): prior state:STATE_STOPPED 2024/06/13 21:34:07.723 14538 14538 Debug MediaRouter onRestoreRoute() : route=RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 2024/06/13 21:34:07.723 14538 14538 Verbose MediaRouter Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Phone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=System types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 2024/06/13 21:34:08.238 14538 28927 Debug AudioTrack [audioTrackData][mute] 18s(f:0 m:18000 s:0 k:500) : pid 14538 uid 10251 sessionId 26633 sr 48000 ch 2 fmt 1 2024/06/13 21:34:08.495 14538 14538 Warn MirrorManager this model don't Support 2024/06/13 21:34:09.034 14538 28842 Debug crewMultiplayer PlayerBase::stop() from IPlayer 2024/06/13 21:34:09.034 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack stop(sessionID=26633) 2024/06/13 21:34:09.034 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack stop(2111): prior state:STATE_ACTIVE 2024/06/13 21:34:09.034 14538 28842 Debug AudioTrack stop(2111): called with 56064 frames delivered 2024/06/13 21:34:09.044 14538 14538 Debug DecorView[] onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus false

1 Answer 1


If I remember correctly, it should tell you the reason why it is not getting initialized. Its been a while since I worked with Facebook SDK on mobile.

Ensure that you have correctly entered APP IDs or keys to the Facebook settings in the Unity editor as well.

  • Now I removed the Facebook sdk and tried to intialized only firebase auth , it runs very good in unity editor but when I build the apk it start but never run I think the apk can't reach the Google service Jason file and help ?
    – ma5noo2
    Commented Jun 13 at 8:31
  • Can you try to post the logs of the game while it is running on device? You can use tools like adb for this. It should tell you the exceptions related to it.
    – iozsaygi
    Commented Jun 13 at 12:10
  • i have added my logcat
    – ma5noo2
    Commented Jun 13 at 18:41
  • In the log it says FirebaseApp failed to initialize because no default options were found. This usually means that com.google.gms:google-services was not applied to your gradle project. 2024/06/13 21:33:41.980 14538 14538 Info FirebaseInitProvider FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful Check out the following threads, they can help you with this. stackoverflow.com/questions/40081539/… github.com/firebase/quickstart-unity/issues/660
    – iozsaygi
    Commented Jun 14 at 5:10

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