i want add genre meta in my project but when I use other in metas for creat this my export html I get bellow tag

meta name="genre" content="Commodity prices"/>

but its wrong I wand get this tag

<meta name="genre" itemprop="genre" content="Commodity prices">

my code:

other: {
      genre: 'Commodity prices',

I think in this version we can't add itemprop in metas

1 Answer 1


The other object within the Next.js export const metadata object doesn't currently support adding itemprop attributes to meta tags. However, there are a couple of alternative approaches to achieve the desired <meta name="genre" itemprop="genre" content="Commodity prices"> tag

Using head within getStaticProps or getServerSideProps

// Inside your page component

export async function getStaticProps() {
  // Fetch or generate data here
  const genre = 'Commodity prices';

  return {
    props: { genre },

// Or, for server-side rendering

export async function getServerSideProps() {
  // Fetch or generate data here
  const genre = 'Commodity prices';

  return {
    props: { genre },

function MyPage({ genre }) {
  return (
        <meta name="genre" itemprop="genre" content={genre} />
        {/* Other meta tags */}
      {/* Your page content */}

Customizing Meta Tags with a Component

function MyMeta({ genre }) {
  return (
      <meta name="genre" itemprop="genre" content={genre} />

Use the MyMeta component within your page component

function MyPage({ genre }) {
  return (
      <MyMeta genre={genre} />
      {/* Your page content */}

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