Hi im currently making a game for facebook and i ran into a problem regarding content security policy:

error message

I tried changing the content security policy a bunch of times, in the end i decided to add all the links in the error message and it still doesnt work. this is my current Content Security Policy thingy that doesnt work:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="img-src * 'self' https: blob: data: *.pub-3626123a908346a7a8be8d9295f44e26.r2.dev ;">

  • 1
    The CSP values from the error message don't appear to come from your app in the first place, Facebook sets those. Instant Games are hosted on Facebook, I don't think you are supposed to embed any external resources to begin with ...?
    – CBroe
    Commented Apr 11 at 10:57

1 Answer 1


It's a bug in Facebook. They claim that it's solved while everyone keep seeing this error.


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