i cant read password( CredentialBlob ) from credential manager with type CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD in windows , i can show user name but return nothing for show password( CredentialBlob ) and size CredentialBlob equal zero . i use visual studio 2013. my code for read :


void credReadWindows(){
    string targetName;

    cout << "enter target name" << endl;
    cin >> targetName;

    LPCSTR targetNameLP = targetName.c_str();
    DWORD flags = 0;
    PCREDENTIALA readCred;

    BOOL result = CredReadA(targetNameLP, CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD, flags, &readCred);

    if (result) {
        string userName(readCred->UserName);

        string password(reinterpret_cast<char*>(readCred->CredentialBlob),
        cout << "size CredentialBlob : " << sizeof(readCred->CredentialBlob) << endl;
        cout << "size : " << readCred->CredentialBlobSize << endl;
        cout << "Username: " << userName << endl;
        cout << "Password: " << password << endl;

    else {
        DWORD errorCode = GetLastError();
        cout << "Credential read failed with error code: " << errorCode << endl;


and i write credential with below code :

void credWriteWindows() {
string targetName ;
string userName ;
string password ;
string targetAlias;

cout << "enter target name :"<<endl;
cin >> targetName;
cout << "enter user name  :" << endl;
cin >> userName;
cout << "enter password" << endl;
cin >> password;
cout << "enter target Alias:" << endl;
cin >> targetAlias;

CREDENTIALA writeCred = {};
writeCred.Flags = 0;
writeCred.TargetName = const_cast<char*>(targetName.c_str());
writeCred.CredentialBlobSize = static_cast<DWORD>(password.length());
writeCred.CredentialBlob = reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(const_cast<char*>(password.c_str()));
writeCred.UserName = const_cast<char*>(userName.c_str());
writeCred.TargetAlias = const_cast<char*>(targetAlias.c_str());

BOOL result = CredWriteA(&writeCred, 0);

if (result) {
    cout << "Credential write successful" << endl;

else {
    DWORD errorCode = GetLastError();
    cout << "Credential write failed with error code: " << errorCode << endl;


1 Answer 1


From the documentation (emphasis mine):


Secret data for the credential. The CredentialBlob member can be both read and written.

If the Type member is CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD, this member contains the plaintext Unicode password for UserName. The CredentialBlob and CredentialBlobSize members do not include a trailing zero character. Also, for CRED_TYPE_DOMAIN_PASSWORD, this member can only be read by the authentication packages.

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