I would like Doxygen to keep the same documentation for a derived function. However I do not want to leave it empty or repeat the same documentation in the base class. So I will do

In base class:

class Base {
   //! does what it's supposed to do
   void Foo();

In sub-class:

class Child : public Foo {

    //! (derived)
    void Foo() override;

Will Doxygen pick this syntax?

  • Which version of doxygen? Please give a more complete example so we can also see how foo is derived! Did you look into e.g. \copydoc?
    – albert
    Commented Sep 26, 2023 at 9:20
  • 1
    Still missing the doxygen version. Did you try the \copydoc? Also provide the settings you used in your test that differ from the default settings (i.e. the result of doxygen -x Doxyfile).
    – albert
    Commented Sep 26, 2023 at 13:54


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