Hi I am new to Oracle DB. I have a Oracle table (EMPLOYEE) as below. I want to get the records based on the Max Effective Date for an employee:

Emp Id Emp Name Eff Date
123 Duke 01-JAN-2022
123 Duke 01-FEB-2023
123 Duke 01-DEC-2022
456 Mike 01-JAN-2022
456 Mike 01-DEC-2022
789 Jake 01-JAN-2023
789 Jake 01-MAR-2023

I am expecting Output as below:

Emp Id Emp Name Eff Date
123 Duke 01-FEB-2023
456 Mike 01-DEC-2022
789 Jake 01-MAR-2023

Can someone guide how to write a SQL query to get one record per EmpId based on the Max Eff Date

1 Answer 1


One option is to use one of analytic functions (such as rank which might be better than row_number in case of multiple rows with the same date, while other column values differ - probably not the case in this situation), sort them per employee by date in descending order and then extract rows that ranked as the highest.

Sample data:

SQL> with employee (id, name, eff_date) as
  2    (select 123, 'Duke', date '2022-01-01' from dual union all
  3     select 123, 'Duke', date '2023-02-01' from dual union all
  4     select 123, 'Duke', date '2022-12-01' from dual union all
  5     --
  6     select 456, 'Mike', date '2022-01-01' from dual union all
  7     select 456, 'Mike', date '2022-12-01' from dual
  8    ),


  9  temp as
 10    (select id, name, eff_date,
 11       rank() over (partition by id order by eff_date desc) rnk
 12     from employee
 13    )
 14  select id, name, eff_date from temp
 15  where rnk = 1;

---------- ---- -----------
       123 Duke 01-FEB-2023
       456 Mike 01-DEC-2022


Option we used before analytic functions were introduced finds max date in a subquery, but that option is now worse than the previous one as it scans the same table (employees) twice.

  9  select id, name, eff_date
 10  from employee a
 11  where a.eff_date = (select max(b.eff_date)
 12                      from employee b
 13                      where b.id = a.id
 14                     );

---------- ---- -----------
       123 Duke 01-FEB-2023
       456 Mike 01-DEC-2022


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