I'm learning about Rust, and trying to figure out the visibility rules for modules. I have the following code:

fn x() -> u8 {

struct Person {
    name: String,

mod example {
    use super::{x, Person};

    pub fn foo(person: &Person) {
        println!("{}", x());
        println!("Person with name: {}", person.name);

fn main() {
    let person = Person{name: String::from("PersonName")};

Which throws the following error:

   Compiling playground v0.0.1 (/playground)
error[E0446]: private type `Person` in public interface
  --> src/main.rs:12:5
5  | struct Person {
   | ------------- `Person` declared as private
12 |     pub fn foo(person: &Person) {
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ can't leak private type

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0446`.
error: could not compile `playground` due to previous error
  1. From my understanding, children submodules should have visibility to the symbols from the parent module. I'm not sure why I need to mark Person as public.

  2. If I mark Person as public the code executes, but my next question is, why I don't have to mark the x() function as public also, as it is used at the same place with the Person instance.

1 Answer 1


Inside the module example it's not known that the module is only visible to super it also might have been reexported somewhere completely different in main.rs:

pub mod completely_diffrent {
    pub use super::example;

which would be difficult or even impossible to track.

A solution other than making Person public is to mark the function public only to super:

mod example {
    use super::{x, Person};

    pub(super) fn foo(person: &Person) {
        println!("{}", x());
        println!("Person with name: {}", person.name);

Which avoids all those pitfalls and thus compiles as you can see on the Playground

For why you'd have to mark Person as public but not x the reason is that Person appears in the signature of foo: fn(&Person) while x does not.

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