Facebook (as usual) has incredibly unhelpful documentation on their API. I am trying to do a simple task of updating an adset's budget. The adset already exists in my account so I am not looking to create an adset via the api - though that is apparently all facebook would like you to do.

I've done this successfully at the campaign level by making a simple request to the api with this (simplified) call

var headers = {
    'method': 'POST',

var url = `https://graph.facebook.com/v16.0/${campaignID}?daily_budget=${newBudget}&fields=daily_budget&transport=cors&access_token=${fbToken}`

Unfortunately, making the same request, but with an adset ID instead of a campaign ID, throws an error saying "Unsupported request - method type: post". I have attempted to run the request as a GET method, however that just seems to return the current budget (which makes perfect sense).

I have also found some documentation on facebook's website here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/bidding/overview/budgets

Unfortunately, even if you provide an existing adset ID as a parameter in the payload, it still only allows you to create an adset at this endpoint. There does not appear to be a way to update the budget of an existing adset as far as I can tell.


There seems to be something wrong with the adset I am attempting to update. I successfully updated the budget of a different adset from an older campaign with no issue. Wondering if maybe there is a period of time before an adset becomes available as an edge on the graph api.

  • 1
    I'll note that this may be a bug with the platform. I have now attempted to make a budget update via the graph explorer and via the python business sdk and all have failed with the same error message. Also facebook won't allow me to submit a bug request because they've flagged me as spam for some reason - despite it being my first bug report.
    – ajarshem
    Commented May 2, 2023 at 16:04
  • I would double check if the Adset ID that you are having the issue with is indeed an Adset. I have seen this issue before where the IDs are very very similar at a glance but very subtle differences in the ID make them different objects altogether.
    – bangdel
    Commented May 5, 2023 at 14:18
  • Unfortunately it appears to be a bug with the type of campaign I am running. I have since tested further and can make the call on ad sets within regular campaigns, but it appears that you can not post a budget to an ad set within an automotive inventory campaign at the moment. I’ve submitted a bug report, waiting to see if Facebook responds.
    – ajarshem
    Commented May 5, 2023 at 18:14

1 Answer 1


I am able to update daily_budget of an adset with the below API invocation

curl --location 'https://graph.facebook.com/?access_token=__fb_token' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data 'batch=[ { "method": "POST","relative_url": "v16.0/{ad_set_id}", "body": "daily_budget=10200" }]' 

But it has many other constraints around, how you should update, and the impact of your update influenced by many other settings. Read below facebook documentation page for more details.


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