I have a couple old services that I want to completely uninstall. How can I do this?


15 Answers 15


Use the SC command, like this (you need to be on a command prompt to execute the commands in this post):

SC STOP shortservicename
SC DELETE shortservicename

Note: You need to run the command prompt as an administrator, not just logged in as the administrator, but also with administrative rights. If you get errors above about not having the necessary access rights to stop and/or delete the service, run the command prompt as an administrator. You can do this by searching for the command prompt on your start menu and then right-clicking and selecting "Run as administrator". Note to PowerShell users: sc is aliased to set-content. So sc delete service will actually create a file called delete with the content service. To do this in Powershell, use sc.exe delete service instead

If you need to find the short service name of a service, use the following command to generate a text file containing a list of services and their statuses:

SC QUERY state= all >"C:\Service List.txt"

For a more concise list, execute this command:

SC QUERY state= all | FIND "_NAME"

The short service name will be listed just above the display name, like this:

DISPLAY_NAME: My Special Service

If you want to make sure you are using the right name you can run:

SC QUERY MyService

If the name is right it will display some info about it; otherwise it will give an error.

And thus to delete that service:

SC STOP MyService
  • 5
    Deleting the SSDP Discovery Service? It is used for detecting and configuring UPnP devices on the local network, you should not delete it. It was just used as an example. Commented Sep 16, 2008 at 20:00
  • 5
    Oooh, I see, yes. I thought you meant deleting services wasn't recommended. Thanks for the answer!
    – sgwill
    Commented Sep 16, 2008 at 20:07
  • 20
    I wonder how many sysadmins have already accidentally deleted their SSDPSRV service purely because of this answer :p Commented Jun 11, 2014 at 8:52
  • 7
    Use sc query state= all to get the full list of services; basic sc query will not return inactive (aka. disabled) services.
    – tricasse
    Commented Sep 2, 2014 at 21:05
  • 54
    Note that if you're using PowerShell, sc is aliased to set-content. So sc delete service will actually create a file called delete with the content service. To do this in Powershell, use sc.exe delete service instead.
    – KFL
    Commented Oct 2, 2015 at 5:14

Click Start | Run and type regedit in the Open: line. Click OK.

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services

Scroll down the left pane, locate the service name, right click it and select Delete.

Reboot the system.

  • 3
    This is a good fallback when the executable hosting the service has been deleted (not uninstalled), and the preferred sc delete mechanism fails. Thanks.
    – holtavolt
    Commented Oct 8, 2018 at 14:13
  • Thanks for adding Reboot the system. I created a service with a bad path in one of the parameters and it wasn't starting properly so I deleted it, fixed the path and tried to create it again only to get errors that the service was marked for deletion. Commented Dec 20, 2021 at 21:42

As described above I executed:

sc delete ServiceName

However this didn't work as I was executing it from PowerShell.

When using PowerShell you must specify the full path to sc.exe because PowerShell has a default alias for sc assigning it to Set-Content. Since it's a valid command it doesn't actually show an error message.

To resolve this I executed it as follows:

C:\Windows\System32\sc.exe delete ServiceName
  • 4
    You saved me some time and nerves with this additional piece of info. Thank you very much! :) Commented May 5, 2022 at 8:26
  • I had to start powershell as administrator
    – hbourchi
    Commented Jan 31, 2023 at 9:03
  • This works for me using CMD with administrator privileges Commented May 11 at 11:41

Use services.msc or (Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services) to find the service in question. Double-click to see the service name and the path to the executable.

Check the exe version information for a clue as to the owner of the service, and use Add/Remove programs to do a clean uninstall if possible.

Failing that, from the command prompt:

sc stop servicexyz
sc delete servicexyz

No restart should be required.

  • 5
    Please note that if service have spaces in name, you have to wrap full name into quotation marks - like sc delete "Amazon Assistant Service" Commented May 10, 2017 at 9:17
SC DELETE "service name"

Run the command on cmd as Administrator otherwise you will get this error :-

openservice failed 5 access is denied

  • This command works on Win10.
    – Dash
    Commented Apr 1, 2022 at 9:16
  • Still getting "Access is denied" when running CMD with Administrator privileges!
    – marcolopes
    Commented Dec 18, 2023 at 20:05

If you have Windows Vista or above please run this from a command prompt as Administrator:

sc delete [your service name as shown in service.msc e.g moneytransfer]

For example: sc delete moneytransfer

Delete the folder C:\Program Files\BBRTL\moneytransfer\

Find moneytransfer registry keys and delete them:

 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\Installer\Assemblies\ [remove .exe references]

These steps have been tested on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008.


We can do it in two different ways

Remove Windows Service via Registry

Its very easy to remove a service from registry if you know the right path. Here is how I did that:

  1. Run Regedit or Regedt32

  2. Go to the registry entry "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services"

  3. Look for the service that you want delete and delete it. You can look at the keys to know what files the service was using and delete them as well (if necessary).

Delete Windows Service via Command Window

Alternatively, you can also use command prompt and delete a service using following command:

sc delete

You can also create service by using following command

sc create "MorganTechService" binpath= "C:\Program Files\MorganTechSPace\myservice.exe"

Note: You may have to reboot the system to get the list updated in service manager.

  • 6
    The regedit method didn't work for me. When I refreshed the service manager, it still showed the service, but it had an error stating that it could not display the description.
    – datguy
    Commented Dec 12, 2014 at 15:51
  • 2
    Note: You may have to reboot the system to get the list updated in service manager.
    – Kevin M
    Commented Dec 13, 2014 at 5:04
  • 2
    Maybe, but that makes the regedit approach inferior to the SC command, which does not require a reboot.
    – datguy
    Commented Dec 13, 2014 at 5:09
  • 4
    This messed up my services :( please dont misguide THis stupid goodle, showup this anser in its search page automactically and i trusted it and followed it blindly without clicking the SOF link and I had to reimage my machine. Commented Jan 25, 2015 at 5:52
  • thanks for the registry method. only way I could do it on a renegade machine. Commented Jun 22, 2015 at 13:19

If they are .NET created services you can use the installutil.exe with the /u switch its in the .net framework folder like C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727


This did the job for me on Windows 10:

  • start the cmd.exe as admin
  • run SC DELETE "com.docker.service"
  • reinstall docker

sc delete name


To make the sc command work on both cmd and Powershell, add .exe extension to the command:

sc.exe delete <servicename>

Here is a vbs script that was passed down to me:

Set servicelist = GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf ("Win32_Service")

for each service in servicelist
    sname = lcase(service.name)
    If sname = "NameOfMyService" Then 
        service.delete ' the internal name of your service
    end if
  • Probably nameofmyservice, not NameOfMyService, as sname is all lower-case per the line before.
    – user3035850
    Commented Nov 23, 2015 at 13:05

Before removing the service you should review the dependencies.

You can check it:

Open services.msc and find the service name, switch to the "Dependencies" tab.

Source: http://www.sysadmit.com/2016/03/windows-eliminar-un-servicio.html


You can use my small service list editor utility Service Manager


You can choose any service > Modify > Delete. Method works immediately, no reboot required.

Executable file: [Download]

Source code: [Download]

Blog post: [BlogLink]

Service editor class: WinServiceUtils.cs


For me my service that I created had to be uninstalled in Control Panel > Programs and Features

  • how can you see the services installed in programs and features
    – Nisha
    Commented May 5, 2017 at 8:05
  • If I remember correctly, this was when the program I had which I believe was splunk, after installed, ran as a service because it was hosting locally you could go to localhost:8080 to view the local website. In order for me to remove it, I had to the entire program.
    – Demodave
    Commented May 5, 2017 at 13:35
  • Thank you. I installed teh services using command prompt. I deleted using a cmd in cmd pmpt . Thanks again for replying.
    – Nisha
    Commented May 9, 2017 at 7:55

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