I have a table which has ID & JSON columns. ID is auto incrementing column. Here are my sample data.

Row 1

1  |  {
              "Name": "ABC",
              "Period": "2010",
              "Code": "123"
                 { "ID1": "1", "Value": "$1.00", "Code": "A", "Desc": "asdf" }, 
                 { "ID1": "2", "Value": "$1.00", "Code": "B", "Desc": "pqr" }, 
                 { "ID1": "3", "Value": "$1.00", "Code": "C", "Desc": "xyz" }

Row 2

2  | { 
             "Name": "ABC",
             "Period": "2010",
             "Code": "123"
                 { "ID1": "76", "Value": "$1.00", "Code": "X", "Desc": "asdf" },
                 { "ID1": "25", "Value": "$1.00", "Code": "Y", "Desc": "pqr" }, 
                 { "ID1": "52", "Value": "$1.00", "Code": "Z", "Desc": "lmno" }, 
                 { "ID1": "52", "Value": "$1.00", "Code": "B", "Desc": "xyz" }

and it keep goes. Items inside the HData section is infinite. It can be any numbers of items.

On this JSON I need to update the Value = "$2.00" where "Code" is "B". I should be able to do this with 2 scenarios. My parameter inputs are @id=2, @code="B", @value="$2.00". @id sometimes will be null. So,

  1. If @id is null then the update statement should go through all records and update the Value="$2.00" for all items inside the HData section which has Code="B".
  2. If @id = 2 then the update statement should update only the second row which Id is 2 for the items which Code="b"

Appreciate your help in advance.


  • 1
    What have you tried? There are loads of resources out there about updating JSON data, which you could attempt to adapt to your circumstances.
    – Dale K
    Commented Feb 10, 2023 at 23:19
  • I got some bad news for you, JSON modifying support in SQL Server is pretty weak, the standard JSON_MODIFY function can only update one value per column at a time, hardcoded to a path (although i think SQL Server 2017 supports path expressions). For #2, you can probably use JSON_MODIFY with a path. for #1 i guess yiou need to slice up and rebuilt the json with new values. Commented Feb 11, 2023 at 8:03

2 Answers 2


See DB Fiddle for an example.

declare @id bigint = 2
  , @code nvarchar(8) = 'B'
  , @value nvarchar(8) = '$2.00'

update a
set json = JSON_MODIFY(json, '$.HData[' + HData.[key] + '].Value', @value)
from so75416277 a
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON (json, '$.HData') HData
  WITH (
      ID1 bigint
    , Value nvarchar(8)
    , Code nvarchar(8)
    , [Desc] nvarchar(8)
  ) as HDataItem
WHERE id = @id
AND HDataItem.Code = @Code
  • The update / set statement says we want to replace the value of json with a new generated value / functions exactly the same as it would in any other context; e.g. update a set json = 'something' from so75416277 a where a.column = 'some condition'
  • The JSON_MODIFY does the manipulation of our json.
    • The first input is the original json field's value
    • The second is the path to the value to be updated.
    • The third is the new value
  • '$.HData[' + HData.[key] + '].Value' says we go from our JSON's root ($), find the HData field, filter the array of values for the one we're after (i.e. key here is the array item's index), then use the Value field of this item.
  • key is a special term; where we don't have a WITH block accompanying our OPENJSON statement we get back 3 items: key, value and type; key being the identifier, value being the content, and type saying what sort of content that is.
  • CROSS APPLY allows us to perform logic on a value from a single DB rowto return potentially multiple rows; e.g. like a join but against its own contents.
  • OPENJSON (json, '$.HData') HData says to extract the HData field from our json column, and return this with the table alias HData; as we've not included a WITH, this HData column has 3 fields; key, value, and type, as mentioned above (this is the same key we used in our JSONMODIFY).
  • The next OPENJSON works on HData.Value; i.e. the contents of the array item under HData. Here we take the object from this array (i.e. that's the root from the current context; hence $), and use WITH to parse it into a specific structure; i.e. ID1, Value, Code, and Desc (brackets around Desc as it's a keyword). We give this the alias HDataItem.
  • Finally we filter for the bit of the data we're interested in; i.e. on id to get the row we want to update, then on HDataItem.Code so we only update those array items with code 'B'.
  • Thanks. One follow up question. How can I insert a new HData item into Row 1 please? –
    – Mano
    Commented Feb 13, 2023 at 10:41
  • Np. For that, use the append operation. See the append $.skills example. If you still have issues, post what you've tried as a fresh question and the community can assist you further.
    – JohnLBevan
    Commented Feb 13, 2023 at 11:10

Try the below SP.

CREATE PROC usp_update_75416277
    @id     Int = null, 
    @code   Varchar(15), 
    @value  Varchar(15)
    DECLARE @SQLStr Varchar(MAX)=''

    ;WITH   CTE
        FROM    YourTable 
        CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(YourTable.Json,'$.HData') 
        WITH (
            ID1     Int         '$.ID1',
            Value   Varchar(20) '$.Value',
            Code    Varchar(20) '$.Code',
            [Desc]  Varchar(20) '$.Desc'
        )   HData 
        WHERE   (@id IS NULL OR ID =@id)
    SELECT    @SQLStr=@SQLStr+' UPDATE  YourTable 
                                SET     [JSON]=JSON_MODIFY(YourTable.Json,
                                                            '''+CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX),@value)+''') '+
                                'WHERE ID ='+CONVERT(Varchar(15),CTE.ID) +' ' 
    FROM    CTE
    WHERE   Code=@code
        AND (@id IS NULL OR ID =@id)

    EXEC( @SQLStr) 


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