I have currently started with PROLOG and I want to write a predicate which checks if a given object is in this list or not. If the object is in the list the predicate should return the index of the element. If the element is not found it should return 0.

It should work like this: find(3,[1,4,5,3,2,3],N). -> yes. N / 4 find(2,[1,3,4,5,6,7],N). -> yes. N / 0

But I have problems with counting up the index N and maybe someone here can help. I've seen many different ways on how to traverse a list but I found so many different ways and I wasn't able to understand how they work. I would be really happy if someone can provide a solution and explain how it works and why.

This is what I wrote so far:

find(X, [X|TAIL], N) :- N is 1, write(N).
find(X, [], N) :- N is 0, write(N).

find(X, [_|TAIL], N) :- find(X, TAIL, N + 1).

It is working for the basecases:

find(a, [a, b, c, d, e, f, g], N) -> yes. N / 1.
find(j, [a, b, c, d, e, f, g], N) -> yes. N / 0.

But when it is starting with recursion It is not working anymore and I don't understand what's going wrong.

For the recursion case it gives me this: find(b, [a, b, c, d, e, f, g], N) -> no.

I am thankful for every answer and every comment!


  • If an element is not in the list it should output yes. N = 0. Examples: ?- find(a, [], N) -> yes. N = 0. and ?- find(a, [b,c,d], N) -> yes. N = 0.
  • If an element is in the list it should output the index of that element (start counting with 1). Examples: ?- find(a, [a, b, c], N) -> yes. N = 1 and ?- find(a, [b,c,a,d], N) -> yes. N = 3.
  • If there is the element more than one time it should only output the index of the first appearance of the element. Example: ?- find(a, [a,b,c,a], N) -> yes. N = 1.
  • It should always only give on answer.
  • If possible no libraries should be used.
  • The query ?- find(a, [a, b,c], 0) and ?- find(a, [b, a, c], 0) and every other query where a is in the list should be answered with no.
  • The query ?- find(a, [a, b, c, a], 4) should be answered with no because the a with index 4 is not the first apperance of a.
  • I made a little bit of progress: find(X, [], 0). find(X,[X|_], 1). find(X, [_|Xs], N) :- find(X, Xs, Rest), N is 1 + Rest. This code is now working for elements that are in the list, but if I want to find an object that is not in the list, N is becoming 6 and not 0. How can I resolve this issue? Commented Dec 4, 2022 at 0:56
  • 1
    What should happen with find(a, [a,b,c,a,b,c], Index) ? First result 1, on backtracking 4, on backtracking again 0 for not found is what my code does, but I don't know if that makes good sense or not. Commented Dec 4, 2022 at 4:36
  • @TessellatingHeckler I am not quite sure if I understand you correctly. But with find(a, [a,b,c,a,b,c], Index) Prolog should give the following answer: Yes. Index = 1. So it should return the index of the first appearance of the given atom. If the atom is not appearing in the list it should give 0. Thank you for your comment! Commented Dec 4, 2022 at 7:19
  • This is known as nth/3 or nth1/3, but without this 0-case.
    – false
    Commented Dec 4, 2022 at 12:50
  • 1
    Is there a good reason for the "return 0" part of this question (which is rather ugly from a Prolog relational view)? Wouldn't simple failure be sufficient? nth1/3 already exists - swi-prolog.org/pldoc/man?predicate=nth1/3
    – brebs
    Commented Dec 5, 2022 at 11:48

4 Answers 4


Note: This solution yields every index where Item is found upon backtracking and unifies Index with 0 only when no item unifies with the target item, and is not exactly what OP has now explicitly stated in his requirements.

item_index(Item, L, Index):-
  item_index(L, Item, 1, Index).
item_index([], _, _, 0).
item_index([Item|L], Item, CurIndex, Index):-
  item_index1(L, Item, CurIndex, Index).
item_index([CurItem|L], Item, CurIndex, Index):-
  dif(CurItem, Item),
  succ(CurIndex, CurIndex1),
  item_index(L, Item, CurIndex1, Index).

item_index1(_, _, Index, Index).
item_index1(L, Item, CurIndex, Index):-
  succ(CurIndex, CurIndex1),
  item_index2(L, Item, CurIndex1, Index).

item_index2([Item|L], Item, CurIndex, Index):-
  item_index1(L, Item, CurIndex, Index).
item_index2([CurItem|L], Item, CurIndex, Index):-
  dif(CurItem, Item),
  succ(CurIndex, CurIndex1),
  item_index2(L, Item, CurIndex1, Index).


This answer goes through different procedures to maintain the state of whether any solution has been already found. So when traversing the list in item_index/4 there has been no match. After the first match (and upon every further match) item_index1/4 is called which will unify Index with the current index and upon backtracking continue traversing the list in item_index2/4.

When there are no more items to traverse it will unify Index with 0 only if there has been no previous matches (this is done in the first clause of item_index/4).

Sample runs:

?- item_index(A, [a,b,c,d,a,b,c], X).
A = a,
X = 1 ;
A = a,
X = 5 ;
A = b,
X = 2 ;
A = b,
X = 6 ;
A = c,
X = 3 ;
A = c,
X = 7 ;
A = d,
X = 4 ;
X = 0,
dif(A, a),
dif(A, c),
dif(A, b),
dif(A, a),
dif(A, d),
dif(A, c),
dif(A, b).

?- item_index(d, [a,b,c], X).
X = 0.    

?- item_index(A, [a,b,a], X).
A = a,
X = 1 ;
A = a,
X = 3 ;
A = b,
X = 2 ;
X = 0,
dif(A, a),
dif(A, a),
dif(A, b).

?- item_index(a, [a,b,C], X).
X = 1 ;
C = a,
X = 3 ;
  • This works for me, but if I ask the query ?- item_index(a, [a, b, c, d, a], N). I get yes. N = 1 and no. as an answer. And I am having quite some problems to really understand the code. Can you maybe explain your thaught process a bit so that I can understand the code a little bit better? Commented Dec 6, 2022 at 13:46
  • Your query should yield N = 1 and then upon backtracking (press ;) should yield N = 5. Pressing ; again would give you false as there are no more solutions.
    – gusbro
    Commented Dec 6, 2022 at 14:12
  • 1
    @DavidKrell: edited answer to add explanation of how the code works
    – gusbro
    Commented Dec 6, 2022 at 14:17
  • It should only find the first appearance of an element. So the query ?- item_index(a, [a,b,c,d,a], 5). should give no. as an answer. Commented Dec 6, 2022 at 14:55
  • As stated in the the first paragraph, this answer yields every index where Item is found. If you want to commit to the first answer then you may change item_index/3 to item_index(Item, L, Index):- item_index(L, Item, 1, FirstIndex), !, Index=FirstIndex. though this may give incorrect results for non ground Item/L.
    – gusbro
    Commented Dec 6, 2022 at 15:22

Two pure solutions using the library reif:

first_index(E0, Es, N) :-
    first_index_(E0, Es, 0, N).

first_index_(_, [], _, none).
first_index_(E0, [E|Es], I0, N) :-
        E0 = E,
        N = some(I0),
        (   succ(I0, I),
            first_index_(E0, Es, I, N)

index(E0, Es, none) :-
    maplist(dif(E0), Es).
index(E0, Es, some(I)) :-
    nth0(I, Es, E0).

This query succeeds deterministically:

?- L = [a,a], N = some(0), first_index(a, L, N).
   L = "aa", N = some(0).

This query fails:

?- L = [a,a], N = some(1), first_index(a, L, N).

While with index/3:

?- L = [a,a], index(a, L, some(0)), index(a, L, some(1)).
   L = "aa".

The question:

find_first(E, Es, N) :-
    first_index(E, Es, I),
    conversion(I, N).

find(E, Es, N) :-
    index(E, Es, I),
    conversion(I, N).

conversion(none, 0).
conversion(some(I), N) :-
    succ(I, N).

For now I don't have a better name.

  • Thank you for your answer! Can you maybe explain the queries more? If I give the following query: first_index(a, [b, a, c], N) the answer is no. But it should give yes. N = 2. Or how should I formulate the query so that it gives me the right answer? Commented Dec 6, 2022 at 12:47
  • oh okay I'll try to do that. But until now I never worked with libraries in PROLOG I just used my own predicates and recursion and maybe there is a way to solve this problem withou using libraries? Commented Dec 6, 2022 at 15:02
  • If I copy and paste it and I give it the following query: ?- first_index(a, [a,b,c], N) I get an error stating that the procedure if_/3 is not known. If I give it the following query: ?- index(a, [a,b,c],N) I get N = some(0). But it should be N = 1. Commented Dec 6, 2022 at 15:26
  • I am using SWI Prolog (AMD64, Multi-threaded, version 9.0.0) Commented Dec 6, 2022 at 15:49
  • reif, :- use_module(reif).
    – notoria
    Commented Dec 6, 2022 at 16:03

Using the argument order of nth1/3

nth1_once_else_0(Nth1, Lst, Elem) :-
    nth1_once_else_0_when_(Lst, Elem, 1, Nth1).

nth1_once_else_0_thaw_([H|_], Elem, Upto, Nth1) :-
    Upto == Nth1,
    H = Elem.   
nth1_once_else_0_thaw_(L, _Elem, _Upto, Nth1) :-
    L == [],
    Nth1 = 0.
nth1_once_else_0_thaw_(L, Elem, _Upto, Nth1) :-
    Nth1 == 0,
    nth1_once_else_0_thaw_0_(L, Elem).
nth1_once_else_0_thaw_(_L, _Elem, Upto, Nth1) :-
    % If gone past Nth1, fail
    Nth1 =< Upto,
nth1_once_else_0_thaw_([H|T], Elem, Upto, Nth1) :-
    (   nonvar(Nth1),
        Nth1 > Upto -> true
    ;   H \= Elem
    % Elements must be different
    dif(H, Elem),
    Upto1 is Upto + 1,
    nth1_once_else_0_when_(T, Elem, Upto1, Nth1).
nth1_once_else_0_thaw_([H|_], Elem, Upto, Nth1) :-
    ?=(H, Elem),
    % Able to compare
    H = Elem,
    % Elements match
    Upto = Nth1.
nth1_once_else_0_thaw_([H|T], Elem, Upto, Nth1) :-
    % Wait for possible comparison
        (?=(H, Elem) ; nonvar(Nth1)),
        nth1_once_else_0_thaw_([H|T], Elem, Upto, Nth1)

nth1_once_else_0_when_(L, Elem, Upto, Nth1) :-
        (nonvar(L), nonvar(Elem) ; nonvar(Nth1)),
        nth1_once_else_0_thaw_(L, Elem, Upto, Nth1)
nth1_once_else_0_when_([], _Elem, _Upto, 0).
nth1_once_else_0_when_([H|T], Elem, Upto, Nth1) :-
        (nonvar(H), nonvar(Elem) ; nonvar(Nth1)),
        nth1_once_else_0_thaw_([H|T], Elem, Upto, Nth1)

% Remainder of list does not match
nth1_once_else_0_thaw_0_(L, Elem) :-
    freeze(L, nth1_once_else_0_thaw_0_(L, Elem)).
nth1_once_else_0_thaw_0_([], _Elem).
nth1_once_else_0_thaw_0_([H|T], Elem) :-
    dif(H, Elem),
    freeze(T, nth1_once_else_0_thaw_0_(T, Elem)).

Using swi-prolog's unit test ability:

:- begin_tests(nth1_once_else_0).

test(1) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(2, [a, b], B), B == b.
test(2) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, [a, b, c, d, e, f, g], a), N == 1.
test(3) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, [a, b, c, d, e, f, g], j), N == 0.
test(4) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, [a, b, c, d, e, f, g], b), N == 2.
test(5) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, [], a), N == 0.
test(6) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, [], _), N == 0.
test(7) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, [a, b, c, a, b, c], a), N == 1.
test(8) :-
    \+ nth1_once_else_0(6, [a, b, c, a, b, c], c).
test(9) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, b), L = [a, b], N == 2.
test(10) :-
    \+ nth1_once_else_0(0, [a, b], b).
test(11) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, [a, b, c, a], a), N == 1.
test(12) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, [a, b, c], d), N == 0.
test(13) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, [a, b], X), X = b, N == 2.
test(14) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, X), L = [a, b|_], X = b, N == 2.
test(15) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, X), L = [a, b|_], N = 2, X == b.
test(16) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, X), L = [a, b|_], X = z, N = 0.
test(17) :-
    L = [a, a], nth1_once_else_0(1, L, a), \+ nth1_once_else_0(2, L, a).
test(18) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, X), L = [a, b|_], L = [a,b,c], N = 0, \+ X = a.
test(19) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, X), L = [a, b|_], X = z, L = [a, b], N == 0.
test(20) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, X), nth1(2, L, b), nth1(1, L, a), X = z, L = [a, b], N == 0.
test(21) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, X), nth1(2, L, b), nth1(1, L, a), L = [a, b], X = a, N == 1.
test(22) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, X), X = a, nth1(2, L, b), nth1(1, L, a), N == 1.
test(23) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, X), X = b,  nth1(2, L, b), nth1(1, L, a), N == 2.
test(24) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(3, L, c), nth1(3, L, C), C == c.
test(25) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(3, L, C), C = c, nth1(3, L, Z), Z == c.
test(26) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, c),  N = 3, nth1(N, L, C), C == c.
test(27) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, C), C = c, N = 3, nth1(N, L, Z), Z == c.
test(28) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, [a, b, c|_], c), N == 3.
test(29) :-
    \+ nth1_once_else_0(3, [_, _], z).
test(30) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, [-_, -_], +_), N == 0.
test(31) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, X), nth1(2, L, b), nth1(1, L, a), X = a, N == 1.
test(32) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, f(b)), L = [f(Z)|T], Z = g(_), T = [f(B)|_], B = b, N == 2.
test(33) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, f(a)), L = [f(A)|_], A = a, N == 1.
test(34) :-
    nth1_once_else_0(N, L, f(b)), L = [f(_)|_], N = 2, nth1(2, L, B), B == f(b).

:- end_tests(nth1_once_else_0).


?- run_tests.
% All 34 tests passed
  • Thank you for your answer! This answer meets all the requirements and is as well not having the problem which false pointed out with my previous solution. Because of that I am giving you the accepted answer. Can you maybe explain the when(nonvar(H) ... part? I am not familiar with how this predicate works. Commented Dec 6, 2022 at 22:48
  • This whole thing is way more complicated than I thought. Thanks for your work! Commented Dec 7, 2022 at 0:27
  • 1
    Updated. It passes my tests.
    – brebs
    Commented Dec 7, 2022 at 8:58
  • Updated again, to pass the 27 tests.
    – brebs
    Commented Dec 8, 2022 at 0:06
  • Very complex, and still weak: ?- nth1_once_else_0(Nth, [-_,-_], +_). should fail immediately.
    – false
    Commented Dec 12, 2022 at 11:31

Using a descriptive predicate name:

nth1_once_else_0(Elem, Lst, Nth1) :-
    % Start at element 1
    nth1_once_else_0_(Lst, Elem, 1, Nth1),
    % Stop after finding 1 solution
% Otherwise, succeed with 0
nth1_once_else_0(_Elem, _Lst, 0).

% Using Upto and Nth1 arguments, rather than unnecessary & slow recursion
nth1_once_else_0_([Elem|_], Elem, Nth1, Nth1).
nth1_once_else_0_([_|T], Elem, Upto, Nth1) :-
    % Loop through the list elements
    Upto1 is Upto + 1,
    nth1_once_else_0_(T, Elem, Upto1, Nth1).

Results in swi-prolog:

?- nth1_once_else_0(c, [a, b, c, a, b, c], Nth1).
Nth1 = 3.

?- nth1_once_else_0(z, [a, b, c, a, b, c], Nth1).
Nth1 = 0.

?- nth1_once_else_0(Char, [a, b, c, a, b, c], Nth1).
Char = a,
Nth1 = 1.

?- nth1_once_else_0(Char, [a, b, c, a, b, c], 2).
Char = b.

?- nth1_once_else_0(b, [a, b, c, a, b, c], 3).

Below is an improved version:

nth1_once_else_0(Elem, Lst, Nth1) :-
    % Start at element 1
    nth1_once_else_0_(Lst, Elem, 1, Nth1),
    % Stop after finding 1 solution
% Otherwise, succeed with 0
nth1_once_else_0(_Elem, _Lst, 0).

% Using Upto and Nth1 arguments, rather than unnecessary & slow recursion
nth1_once_else_0_([Elem|_], Elem, Upto, Nth1) :-
    % Found first match on element
    Upto = Nth1.
nth1_once_else_0_([_|T], Elem, Upto, Nth1) :-
    % Loop through the list elements
    Upto1 is Upto + 1,
    nth1_once_else_0_(T, Elem, Upto1, Nth1).

... to prevent going past the first element match:

?- nth1_once_else_0(c, [a, b, c, a, b, c], 6).

?- nth1_once_else_0(c, [a, b, c, a, b, c], Nth1).
Nth1 = 3.

?- nth1_once_else_0(z, [a, b, c, a, b, c], Nth1).
Nth1 = 0.
  • Why a descriptive name, if your definition is non-relational?
    – false
    Commented Dec 4, 2022 at 16:40
  • @false Where is the law stated that non-relational definitions can't have reasonably descriptive names? What better predicate name do you suggest?
    – brebs
    Commented Dec 4, 2022 at 17:29
  • The question is rather why should this definition be non-relational at all?
    – false
    Commented Dec 4, 2022 at 18:18
  • @false what exactly is the problem with brebs answer? It works fine for me. Is it just the name of the predicate? Commented Dec 5, 2022 at 10:24
  • 1
    ?- nth1_once_else_0(c, [a,b,c,a,b, c],Nth1), Nth1 = 6. false. but ?- Nth1 = 6, nth1_once_else_0(c, [a,b,c,a,b, c],Nth1). succeeds. So it is non-relational.
    – false
    Commented Dec 5, 2022 at 10:33

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