I have problem when i login to facebook in my system to get my pages. The facebook api sent to my server response: The authorization has been revoked. Reason: Invalid OAuth 2.0 Access Token. The fields I was set is

String[] fields = {"name", "about", "category", "checkins", "likes{fan_count", "were_here_count}", "link", "talking_about_count", "id", "posts", "access_token", "app_id", "page_token", "picture{url}"};

What is problem and how to i fix it? Before i can use it normally. I just had this problem recently


1 Answer 1


Your token has probably expired.

You can debug your token related issues on: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/guides/%20access-tokens/debugging

curl -i -X GET "https://graph.facebook.com/debug_token?

Running the above should return more info on your token. This should give you an idea on how to proceed. You can generate new tokens on the facebook developer page.

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