I have this script:

$('#ap').click(function() {
    return false;

Whenever someone clicks on #ap, it will show the contents of #alertpay in #content-container.

However, how am I able to make a return link, so when users click it, it will show the original content from #content-container? (The contents that were there.)

UPDATE I am trying with this code:

                    <div align="center" id="content-container">
                        <a href="#" id="ap">Show #alertpay</a> 

  <div id="alertpay" style="display:none">
    #alertpay content here.

      <a href="#" id="return-link">RETURN</a>


    var cchtml;
       cchtml = $('#content-container').html();
       return false;

       return false;

The thing that does not work here, is when I press the RETURN anchor link. It doesn't do anything.

3 Answers 3


Best option is to have three containers. Initially One empty. Based on the user behaviour chose the content to display.

$('#ap').click(function() {
    return false;

$('#revert-ap').click(function() {
    return false;

And make sure you hide content-container and alertpay

    var cchtml;
       cchtml = $('#content-container').html();
       return false;

       return false;

you can use .data for example if you have the following markup

<div id="alertpay">

<div id="content-container">

<a href="#" id="ap">change</a>
<a href="#" id="restore">restore</a>

and the jquery


$('#ap').click(function() {

    $('#content-container').data('original', $('#content-container').html());
    return false;

$('#restore').click(function() { 
   $('#content-container').html( $('#content-container').data('original'));
    return false;

here is the fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/YUGCq/3/

  • If I click multiply times on "change", and then click restore, nothing happens. Commented Aug 28, 2011 at 10:16

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