My physical device is Huawei LUA-22, Android 5.1. And android studio don't see that phone, but ADB does. Usb debugging is enabled. Tried to change MTP to PTP and isn't work.

enter image description here

  • Most likely a Android Studio bug. I think this is not a question for StackOverflow
    – Jakoss
    Commented Jan 9, 2022 at 16:34
  • Please advise the site for such a question Commented Jan 9, 2022 at 16:37
  • issuetracker.google.com/…
    – Jakoss
    Commented Jan 9, 2022 at 16:40
  • May be you have multiple adb versions installed? Make sure you only have the adb version from Android SDK installed and runing. Delete additional adb versions.
    – Robert
    Commented Jan 9, 2022 at 16:53

1 Answer 1


Do these steps(after unplugging the device).

1, Go to Sdk Manager and uninstall platform tools (Tools >SDK Manager>SDK Tools > Android SDK Platform Tools) 2. Restart Android Studio and install Platform tools again

should solve your problem but if it doesn't

3 Go to the Devices troubleshooter and start the troubleshooter again 4. Complete all the steps .

Also since it's an HUWAEI device make sure you have hisuite installed both on your phone and your laptop


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