In Facebook ad manager, I can see different categories of conversions against each campaign i.e.

Website Purchases   9
Website Adds to Cart    724 
Website Registrations Completed 6
Website Checkouts Initiated 24
Website Searches    272 

I am using graph API to extract this data from Facebook Marketing API(insights, attribution)

Firstly I tried to extract campaign level conversions from insights using


But I could not see the categories i.e. website purchases, adds to cart etc. in the retrieved data.

Then I tried using attribution with query

<Business Unit ID>/conversion_events?fields=name,id,cost_per_1k_impressions

as a result, I retrieved these categories associated with business unit ID overall.

"data": [
      "name": "Website Searches",
      "id": "11*******772",
      "cost_per_1k_impressions": 11388.238
      "name": "Website Adds to Cart",
      "id": "1121******775",
      "cost_per_1k_impressions": 188.238
      "name": "Website Purchases",
      "id": "11***********7874",
      "cost_per_1k_impressions": 7088.238
      "name": "Website Checkouts Initiated",
      "id": "11212**********",
      "cost_per_1k_impressions": 17088.238
      "name": "Website Subscriptions",
      "id": "1********80141",
      "cost_per_1k_impressions": 1137088.238

But these are overall stats, I want to retrieve these stats at campaign level. Where to put down a campaign filter. Just using these API first time.

1 Answer 1


answering my own Question here. We can get conversion data from insights here:


actions return a json, that contain

Website Purchases   9
Website Adds to Cart    724 
Website Registrations Completed 6
Website Checkouts Initiated 24
Website Searches    272

all these conversions data that we can see on facebook ad manager against each campaign.

  • Thanks a lot! I was stuck with the same problem.
    – dikesh
    Commented Aug 17, 2022 at 12:49

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