I want to resolve the dependency for the IEnumerable collections of the multiple class inheriting the Interface on the controller.

I want to resolve the following dependency during the application startup:

var notificationStrategy = new NotificationStrategy(
new INotificationService[]
    new TextNotificationService(), // <-- inject any dependencies here
    new EmailNotificationService()      // <-- inject any dependencies here


public class NotificationStrategy : INotificatonStrategy
    private readonly IEnumerable<INotificationService> notificationServices;

    public NotificationStrategy(IEnumerable<INotificationService> notificationServices)
        this.notificationServices = notificationServices ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(notificationServices));

What is the best way of dependency injection of IEnumerable types of objects in the asp.net core without using any external dependency or library?

  • register all the objects with the service collection at the composite root and dependencies should be injected when resolving the desired type
    – Nkosi
    Commented Jun 11, 2021 at 16:56

1 Answer 1


Register all the types with the service collection at the composite root


services.AddScoped<INotificationService, TextNotificationService>();
services.AddScoped<INotificationService, EmailNotificationService>();

services.AddScoped<INotificatonStrategy, NotificationStrategy>();


and all dependencies should be injected when resolving the desired type since the constructor already has IEnumerable<INotificationService> as a constructor parameter

Reference Dependency injection in ASP.NET Core


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