I want a minimal o-damn-malloc-just-failed handler, which writes some info to a file (probably just standard error). I would prefer to use fprintf() rather than write(), but this will fail badly if fprintf() itself tries to malloc().

Is there some guarantee, either in the C standard, or even just in glibc that fprintf won't do this?

  • IMPORTANT!!! In the HANDLER of malloc things, to stay safe with anything, you should do: a) re-register malloc handlers (all 4) to standard ones b) do your things about logging etc. c) do the real memory re/de/allocation as needed by the caller etc. d) restore YOUR handlers e) then continue, well, with exitting. This has an important advantage that you can still do whatever you need during the processing and don't have to worry about whether any of them is using malloc or not. I have once been doing it. File is too slow, I was using a socket. :)
    – Ethouris
    Commented Jan 21, 2015 at 16:12
  • Just to clarify, I have not actually registered any malloc handlers. I simply have some low-level functions which call malloc(), when the allocation fails, I want that function to print a log message. Commented Jan 21, 2015 at 18:36
  • Ah! First, how are you able to continue the program if malloc() failed? I guess the only way for you to continue is to print a predefined message in a text and send it using write(). Generally, allocation failures in today software are rather qualifying as "call abort() on allocation failure". If this is for debugging/diagnostics, the coredump will tell you much more than any error message (unless you have demolished the stack, of course).
    – Ethouris
    Commented Jan 22, 2015 at 11:00
  • That's the exact motivation of my question: I want to reliably get a message out before exiting. I wanted to know if I could use printf() for that, whether I have to stick with write(). Commented Jan 23, 2015 at 14:31
  • So, you should prepare for the worst - that is, printf() is likely to call malloc().
    – Ethouris
    Commented Jan 26, 2015 at 8:12

3 Answers 3


No, there's no guarantee that it won't. However, most implementations I've seen tend to use a fixed size buffer for creating the formatted output string (a).

In terms of glibc (source here), there are calls to malloc within stdio-common/vfprintf.c, which a lot of the printf family use at the lower end, so I wouldn't rely on it if I were you. Even the string-buffer output calls like sprintf, which you may think wouldn't need it, seem to resolve down to that call, after setting up some tricky FILE-like string handles - see libio/iovsprintf.c.

My advice is to then write your own code for doing the output so as to ensure no memory allocations are done under the hood (and hope, of course, that write itself doesn't do this (unlikelier than *printf doing it)). Since you're probably not going to be outputting much converted stuff anyway (probably just "Dang, I done run outta memory!"), the need for formatted output should be questionable anyway.

(a) The C99 environmental considerations gives an indication that (at least) some early implementations had a buffering limit. From my memory of the Turbo C stuff, I thought 4K was about the limit and indeed, C99 states (in fprintf):

The number of characters that can be produced by any single conversion shall be at least 4095.

(the mandate for C89 was to codify existing practice, not create a new language, and that's one reason why some of these mimimum maxima were put in the standard - they were carried forward to later iterations of the standard).

  • Thanks for that, even if it's the answer I didn't want. And, stdio-common/vprintif.c was entertaining. IMHO, there's quite some impressive obfuscation going on there. Commented Jul 19, 2011 at 6:50
  • "Most implementations I've seen tend to use a fixed size buffer for creating the formatted output string" - one wonders why. There is absolutely no need for using a buffer (other than the one of the file stream itself) in any of the printf() functions. (I've done it without, so I know what I'm talking about.) But the hint that one doesn't need much conversion here is a good one: Check if puts() does the trick for you.
    – DevSolar
    Commented Jul 19, 2011 at 7:06
  • 1
    @paxdiablo: Not necessarily. I implemented printf() using recursion, without any buffer.
    – DevSolar
    Commented Jul 19, 2011 at 8:44
  • 1
    @Dev: I don't see how that differs to putting a 20 character wide chunk on the stack. I'm not saying that your solution is a bad one. I'm just saying there's a buffer that's got to be used somewhere. Recursion doesn't make that go away, it just makes it more insidious. Commented Jul 19, 2011 at 17:19
  • 1
    @DevSolar: I'm not criticizing at all. I'm just saying there is a buffer in use. Your implementation places at least one intmax_t and one pointer on the stack for every digit in the integer. That is a buffer. Hiding it with recursion does not make the buffer go away. (And really, for integers greater than two digits, a plain char buffer would have used less space) Commented Jul 20, 2011 at 16:18

The C standard doesn't guarantee that fprintf won't call malloc under the hood. Indeed, it doesn't guarantee anything about what happens when you override malloc. You should refer to the documentation for your specific C library, or simply write your own fprintf-like function which makes direct syscalls, avoiding any possibility of heap allocation.

  • Thanks for that. Actually I am not overriding malloc(), just wrapping it. But the principle of your answer is the same. I will have to do a plain-old write(). Commented Jul 19, 2011 at 6:52

The only functions you can be reasonably sure will not call malloc are those marked async-signal-safe by POSIX. Since malloc is not required to be async-signal-safe (and since it's essentially impossible to make it async-signal-safe without making it unusably inefficient), async-signal-safe functions normally cannot call it.

With that said, I'm nearly sure glibc's printf functions (including fprintf and even snprintf) can and will use malloc for some (all?) format strings.

  • Yes, but overriding/wrapping malloc is always illegal (UB), of course... :-) Commented Jul 19, 2011 at 15:57
  • R - what do you mean wrapping malloc is illegal? Perhaps you mean "wrapping malloc in another function called malloc". By wrapping I think of providing a new function that returns malloc'ed() memory, provides some other functionality too. Commented Jul 21, 2011 at 11:28

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