How can we run the Hazelcast management center on Kubernetes? What i did so far is - Deployed the hazelcast/management-center Docker image on our Kubernetes cluster. However as seen on the management-center Pod log, it has started on localhost:8080 by default. I did this with a 'Deployment' on K8s pointing to Docker hazelcast/management-center image. Hazelcast Server is running as the Spring Boot application, also other applications are able to connect to this as Hazelcast client.

Question is how can we run/connect the management center to our Hazelcast cluster running on the same namespace in the Kubernetes (with 2 members in the cluster)?

  • Hello @getSantsoh. Could you please share your yaml configs by editing the question? Commented Apr 29, 2021 at 7:06

1 Answer 1


I suggest using the official helm chart, it includes Management Center by default.

If it doesn't work for you, first I would check if there is a k8s Service defined for the deployment, and if yes, if there is a k8s Ingress exposing that service.

  • Is it necessary / required to use helm? I currently have Deployment, Service and Ingress (similar to all other apps in our project including Hazelcast Server). Where i use image=hazelcast/management-center and when pod comes up it by default shows running on localhost:8080 So even though i have opened up the service port and ingress rule it doent connect to the management center Pod.
    – getSantsoh
    Commented Apr 29, 2021 at 11:23
  • It isn't necessary, but you can look into how Management Center is deployed, that may help with your problem: github.com/hazelcast/charts/tree/master/stable/hazelcast/…
    – erosb
    Commented Apr 30, 2021 at 14:00

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