I am trying to understand the following statement from the official doc:


/** Returns a read-only snapshot of this TrieMap. This operation is lock-free 
 *  and linearizable.
 *  The snapshot is lazily updated - the first time some branch of this TrieMap are
 *  accessed, it is rewritten. The work of creating the snapshot is thus
 *  distributed across subsequent updates and accesses on this TrieMap by all
 *  threads. Note that the snapshot itself is never rewritten unlike when calling
 *  the snapshot method, but the obtained snapshot cannot be modified.
def readOnlySnapshot(): collection.Map[K, V]
  1. The snapshot is lazily updated - the first time some branch of this TrieMap are accessed, it is rewritten. Does this mean that I only get the snapshot at the time I start to access/read some of the keys? Rather than the snapshot at the time I call readOnlySnapshot()?
  2. Note that the snapshot itself is never rewritten unlike when calling the snapshot method, but the obtained snapshot cannot be modified. What would be a good example to demonstrate this?

Some code examples might help here.


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