In IE11 when we block.getAttribute('style') we return

border-bottom-width: 1pt; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-bottom-color: rgb(10, 49, 132)

But in chrome it returns border-bottom: 1pt dotted rgb(10, 49, 132)

How do I get the IE11 to return the same as chrome?

  • Could you please provide a minimal code snippet which can reproduce the issue? Please provide the related html and css code and clarify which element's style do you want to get. So that we can have a test and see how to help. We don't know what block mean in your code and what does the actual style look like in the code.
    – Yu Zhou
    Commented Mar 29, 2021 at 5:46

2 Answers 2


I think is this in IE11


Because is only information "border-button"


Both browsers have different default styles for page elements. Use this default from Chrome: https://gist.github.com/ambidexterich/34828a904dd97dd2a345

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