I have 5 SQL tables with columns as follows:

listEmpB_id request_id

listEmpD_id request_id

id, parent_id (this one refers to id in tbl_department)

id, parent_id (that one referes to id of parent department)

department_id, manager_employee_id

As input data I have employee_id and request_id.

I need to figure out whether the employee has access to the request (whether he's a manager or not)

Here's the query which is supposed to return 1 if the current user is a manager, 0 otherwise

 with reqEmployees as (
    select listEmpB_id as employee_id
    from tbl_request_listEmpB
    where request_id = ${request_id}
  union all --concatenate the two tables
    select listEmpD_id
    from tbl_request_listEmpD
    where  request_id = ${request_id}
cte as (
    select e.parent_id, null as parent_id
    from reqEmployees r
    join tbl_employee e  on e.id = r.employee_id -- get these employees' departments
    union all
    select d.id, d.parent_id
    from cte
    join tbl_department d on d.id = cte.parent_id    -- and get parent departments
select case when exists (select 1
    from cte  
    join tbl_department_manager dm on dm.department_id = cte.id
    where dm.manager_employee_id = ${employee_id})
  then 1 else 0 end;

Finally, there's the logic that I believe is implemented in the query above:

  1. First we need to identify whether the employee_id is a manager or not. If he is - find in which departments. So we query to tbl_department_manager based on manager_employee_id(=employee_id from input data) to get a list of corresponding department_id and store them in a variable. If the query returned 0 departments - terminate and return false
  2. Based on request_id we collect ids of employees from both tbl_request_listEmpB and tbl_request_listEmpD. Later we refer to them as employee_id from reqEmployees
  3. Query to tbl_employee based on ids retrieved from p.2 to get parent_id (list of unique departments employees belong to)
  4. If there's a match between at least one department from p.1 and a one from p.3 return true
  5. If not, there's a need to query to tbl_department and recursively search for a match between at least one element from p.1 and one element in p.3.parent_id

Here's what I mean

Consider the following chart

enter image description here

And here's the corresponding SQL table:

tbl_department (id, parent_id)
dep0   null
dep1   dep0
dep2   dep1
dep3   dep1
dep4   dep2
dep5   dep0

So, if we have a departments list returned from p.1 of ['dep1'] (there might be more than one element, we have to iterate through each element) we need to return true ONLY if from p.3 we've got dep1|dep2|dep3|dep4 - (dep1 descendants including dep1). If ['dep2'] return true if dep2|dep4. So there should at least one match of at least one element from p.1 and recursive result from p.5. I hope I illustrated it in the clearest way possible

Almost forgot - the query above gives me

"Column "parent_id" for "cte" is specified more than once" 

But I don't think that it does what it's supposed to do, I need to rewrite it

Any help would be greatly appreciated


1 Answer 1


Without some sample data (and parameter values) and expected output for that data (with those parameter values), it's difficult to verify this solution.

I have assumed that your tbl_ou and tbl_department are in fact the same table.

Other than the CTE, it looks like the rest of your code should work. The CTE below now travels "both" directions through the hierarchy (upwards and downwards), finding both parents and children. Note that it only finds parents of parents and children of children, it doesn't find children of parents, for example, so no "siblings", "uncles" or whatever these records should be called!

You may need to cast both fields in the CTE seed record as the relevant data type. Based on the supplied data I have assumed that the datatype for department id (and therefore also for parent_id) is varchar(10).

cte as (
    cast(e.parent_id as varchar(10)) as id,
    cast(o.parent_id as varchar(10)) as parent_id,
    0 as iteration  
    reqEmployees r
    join tbl_employee e  on e.id = r.employee_id
    join tbl_department o on e.parent_id = o.id 
    --extra table here compared to earlier versions to allow us
    --to traverse hierarchy in both directions

union all

select --This one finds "child" departments
    cte.iteration + 1
    join tbl_department o on o.id = cte.parent_id
    cte.iteration >=0 --prevents siblings/uncles etc

union all

select --This one finds "parent" departments
    cte.iteration - 1
    join tbl_department o on o.parent_id = cte.id 
    cte.iteration <=0 --prevents siblings/uncles etc

You can test my script using this SQL Fiddle (updated).

  • It gives me Types don't match between the anchor and the recursive part in column “parent_id” of recursive query “cte”
    – Joe D
    Commented Feb 13, 2021 at 20:40
  • NULL is a valid value for many data types and it needs to be set in the "seed". I've reworked the code to CAST the NULL as an INT. But you'll need it to agree with the datatype of your parent_id field. Based on the example data, that may be varchar(10) or similar. Commented Feb 13, 2021 at 20:45
  • Based on other parts of your code, you may be better with an alias of id rather than dept_id. Also, I'm not convinced we are climbing the department hierarchy correctly Commented Feb 13, 2021 at 20:47
  • I've made some changes to reflect my previous comment. But perhaps these are not the correct changes. Do you want to travel up the heirarchy or down it in the CTE? Find all the parents or all the children? Commented Feb 13, 2021 at 21:02
  • I need the most optimised solution - if the query from p.4 didn't return true - there's a need to travel down the hierarchy
    – Joe D
    Commented Feb 14, 2021 at 9:34

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