I had some problems with JRE versions, so I tried to change it using the plugin Choose Runtime. I changed it to Java 1.8.0_112-release-287-b2. Now, when trying to start IntelliJ, i get an unsupported Java version error: Cannot start under Java 1.8.0_112-release-287-b2: Java 11 or later is required. I have tried to modify the runtime path in the ide64.exe.jdk file, but it seems like the old jdk IntelliJ ran on has been deleted. I also tried reinstalling intellij, no luck either. Anyone know how to get back the JDK? do I just download it from oracle and install it in the IdeaIC2020.3\jdks\ folder? Thanks, Jakob


1 Answer 1


I went to the jdks folder and deleted all contents. This fixed the issue. IntelliJ started without a problem.

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