I am able to ssh on my windows 10 computer using ubuntu subsystem when I run the command:

/mnt/c/Users/marti/Downloads$ sudo ssh -i credfile.pem [email protected]

Where I have a file located at /mnt/c/Users/marti/Downloads/credfile.pem

I am trying to get VSCode's ssh extension to work but it keeps failing with an error "The process tried to write to a nonexistent pipe"

In my vscode settings it points to my ssh config file: enter image description here

In order to connect I click the green bottom left corner of my vscode window and select the first option 'remote-ssh connect current window to host'

enter image description here

I paste in my command, hit enter, it prompts me to choose either mac/win/linux and I pick linux.

enter image description here

But it then just leads to an error saying it tried to write to a nonexistent pipe?

[20:50:27.876] "install" terminal command done
[20:50:27.877] Install terminal quit with output: The process tried to write to a nonexistent pipe.
[20:50:27.877] Received install output: The process tried to write to a nonexistent pipe.
[20:50:27.883] Resolver error: Error: The process tried to write to a nonexistent pipe

Is there something else I need to setup or change for my vscode ssh connection to work?

1 Answer 1


Instead of pasting your command, you should code the same command in your .ssh/config file.
Add in it:

Host ec2
   Hostname 3.333.33.333
   User ec2-user
   IdentityFile C:\path\to\credfile.pem

Then you will be able to select the entry 'ec2' after selecting 'remote-ssh connect current window to host'

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