We have client's certificate authentication in our project

However, for some reason after 100 Tomcat release nothing seems to work

We get either 400 HTTP response or the certificate header is empty (if we set rejectIllegalHeader="false") when we proxy to the application through nginx

Example (header's value), name - ssl_client_cert:

\x0A\x09-----END CERTIFICATE-----"

Or ssl_client_raw_cert

y2EmDsw=\x0A-----END CERTIFICATE-----\x0A"

I guess here is the commit to blame


Prior to the 100th release everything worked fine

To bypass that we use ssl_client_escaped_cert instead.


Now we have to unescape it manually in Java code

 String certificateInfo = URLDecoder.decode(request.getHeader(headerName), "UTF-8");

Is there a way we can make Tomcat accept a non-escaped certificate in 100th version and higher?

1 Answer 1


No, there is no way you can configure Tomcat to allow an HTTP header value than contains 0x0A. Those changes were made in response to CVE-2020-1935.

As an aside, I assume Nginx is performing the client authentication and passing the validated client certificate to Tomcat.

  • Thanks a lot, at least now we know that we have to modify our code
    – Joe D
    Commented Nov 22, 2020 at 14:36

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