I'm trying to login to a webpage using VBA & IE automation. I'm hitting what I've been able to solve on other websites, but not this one. When I "click" on the login button of the site it then tells me that the user name & password are empty, when they are not. I've tried pauses. setting focus, setting the field as active & dispatching events, but so far nothing has worked with the website.

Dim HTMLInputs As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
Dim HTMLInput As MSHTML.IHTMLInputElement
Dim HTMLInput2 As MSHTML.IHTMLInputElement
Dim HTMLButtons As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection 
Dim HTMLButton As MSHTML.IHTMLButtonElement
Dim HTMLLinks As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection

'make IE visible then open website
IE.Visible = True
'IE.top = 0
'IE.Left = 0
IE.width = 1200
IE.height = 800                                       '

IE.Navigate funcLookupURL(strMGA, strCO)                        'https://agency.hciharmony.com/login

'check if internet explorer is ready otherwise loop til it is
Do While IE.Busy Or IE.ReadyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE
'    Debug.Print "1"
'    Debug.Print IE.Busy
Dim evt As Object
Dim evt2 As Object
Dim evt3 As Object
Dim evt4 As Object
Set evt = IE.Document.createEvent("HTMLEvents")
Set evt2 = IE.Document.createEvent("HTMLEvents")
Set evt3 = IE.Document.createEvent("HTMLEvents")
Set evt4 = IE.Document.createEvent("HTMLEvents")

evt.initEvent "blur", False, True
evt2.initEvent "focus", False, True
evt3.initEvent "input", True, False
evt4.initEvent "change", True, False 

'<input name="username" class="auth0-lock-input" type="text" placeholder="username/email" value="TTC-201" autocomplete="off" autocapitalize="off">
Set HTMLInput = IE.Document.querySelector("input[placeholder='username/email']") 

Sleep 500
Sleep 500
HTMLInput.Value = funcLookupUserName(strMGA, strCO)
HTMLInput.setAttribute "value", funcLookupUserName(strMGA, strCO)
HTMLInput.innerText = funcLookupUserName(strMGA, strCO)

Sleep 500

'HTMLInput.dispatchEvent evt
'HTMLInput.dispatchEvent evt2
'HTMLInput.dispatchEvent evt3
'HTMLInput.dispatchEvent evt4

IE.Document.dispatchEvent evt
IE.Document.dispatchEvent evt2

IE.Document.dispatchEvent evt3
IE.Document.dispatchEvent evt4
Sleep 500

'<input name="password" class="auth0-lock-input" type="password" placeholder="your password" value="xxxsomevalueherexxx" autocomplete="off" autocapitalize="off">

Set HTMLInput2 = IE.Document.querySelector("input[placeholder='your password']")
Sleep 500
Sleep 500
HTMLInput2.Value = funcLookupPassword(strMGA, strCO)             'password
HTMLInput2.innerText = funcLookupPassword(strMGA, strCO)             'password
HTMLInput2.setAttribute "value", funcLookupPassword(strMGA, strCO)            'password
Sleep 500
'HTMLInput2.dispatchEvent evt
'HTMLInput2.dispatchEvent evt2
'HTMLInput2.dispatchEvent evt3
'HTMLInput2.dispatchEvent evt4

IE.Document.dispatchEvent evt
IE.Document.dispatchEvent evt2
IE.Document.dispatchEvent evt3
IE.Document.dispatchEvent evt4
Sleep 500

'IE.Document.querySelector("input[placeholder='your password']").dispatchEvent evt

'i've tried submitting the form too instead of clicking the button

'Click sign in
Set HTMLButton = IE.Document.querySelector("button[type='submit']")
Sleep 500
Sleep 3000
Debug.Print "Clicked Sign-in

I've tried submitting the form instead of clicking the button. That does not work either. This code does not pause for the website to load yet, but I manually step thru it so that's not my problem. I see the value's appear on the fields in IE & in the deveoper tools the value attribute fills in with a value. I've dispatched events on the fields as well as IE.document. I've tried combinations of. My last version which i'm posting here, used blur, change, input & focus. It looks to me like event listeners are mostly on the main document. When I try to login, the values drop out of the text boxes & they get highlighted in red with "cannot be blank". I know very little on dispatch events so i'm mainly guessing here. any advice would be appreciated.


'  dispatchEvent: function (topLevelType, nativeEvent) {
'    if (!ReactEventListener._enabled) {
'      return;
'    }
'    var bookKeeping = TopLevelCallbackBookKeeping.getPooled(topLevelType, nativeEvent);
'    try {
'      // Event queue being processed in the same cycle allows
'      // `preventDefault`.
'      ReactUpdates.batchedUpdates(handleTopLevelImpl, bookKeeping);
'    } finally {
'      TopLevelCallbackBookKeeping.release(bookKeeping);
'    }
'  }

this function fired on clicking the login button. everything seems to say "topblur". not sure what it means. Also, when i type in the user id, this div changes from

changes too . Then changes back when focus lost.
  • I tried to visit the commented URL from the code but the site is not loading and shows some error in the console with a blank page. So I am not able to test the above code. I suggest trying to open the dev tools and try to manually enter the values in the field. check what changes occur in the source code. It may give some hint. Just after setting the value for a single element try to dispatch the 'change' event. If possible, let us know how to visit this site so that we can make some tests with the code or try to provide the HTML code to test it. Commented Aug 26, 2020 at 1:53
  • Deepak, thank you. the website link is good, although it'll redirect on loading. It was probably down for maintenance. typtap.com this is the home page, then upper right "agents", then on next page choose the option for Florida (left side). That'll take you to the same harmony login. I tried dispatching ` Set evt4 = IE.Document.createEvent("HTMLEvents") evt4.initEvent "change", True, False IE.Document.dispatchEvent evt4 ` after the username & password were each updated, so twice. i also added keydown & up events. none worked. I tried looking at where events fire, adding to my ?
    – Jim Carney
    Commented Aug 26, 2020 at 18:06
  • paste bin of the website added: pastebin.com/5iam1PjN
    – Jim Carney
    Commented Aug 26, 2020 at 18:13
  • and one more past bin pastebin.com/JJx05DUG
    – Jim Carney
    Commented Aug 26, 2020 at 22:37
  • When I try to visit the site it shows these warnings in the console with a blank page. I try to make a test with your sample HTML code and I can enter the values in the fields but there is no validation occur when I click the button. Possible because I am running the page locally and it shows Auth related errors while clicking the button. So still I am not able to reproduce it. I got these warnings and errors in all browsers. So you can check and let us know if you see a similar issue on your side. Commented Aug 27, 2020 at 5:15

1 Answer 1


So after trying many methods, I am left with VBA sendkeys as the answer.

Sleep 500
Sleep 500
SendKeys strUname, True

after focusing on the target field. Then doing the same to the password. But it does work.

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