I want to combine arrays, but the join I want is as follows: I want the items of the Arrays that I want to combine. For example, I want to create a new array by combining the first item of ImageBannerLogo with the first item of ImageBannerLogo1 and the first item of ImageBannerLogo2.

    var ımageBannerLogo = [String]()
    var ımageBannerLogo1 = [String]()
    var ımageBannerLogo2 = [String]()
    var ımageBannerLogoAll = [String]()

override func viewDidLoad() {
ımageBannerLogo.append("one", "two", "three")
ımageBannerLogo1.append("1", "2", "3")
ımageBannerLogo2.append("4", "5", "6")

ımageBannerLogoAll.append(ımageBannerLogo+ ımageBannerLogo1+ ımageBannerLogo2)

I want its output to be as follows: ımageBannerLogoAll = "one14","two25","three36"

3 Answers 3

var ımageBannerLogo = ["one", "two", "three"]
var ımageBannerLogo1 = ["1", "2", "3"]
var ımageBannerLogo2 = ["4", "5", "6"]
var ımageBannerLogoAll = [String]()

Just iterate and format the string

    func loopIT() {
       //Include this check to avoid crash - array index out if range 
       guard ımageBannerLogo.count == ımageBannerLogo1.count && ımageBannerLogo.count == ımageBannerLogo2.count else { return }

       for i in 0..<ımageBannerLogo.count {
            ımageBannerLogoAll.append(String(format: "%@%@%@", ımageBannerLogo[i], ımageBannerLogo1[i], ımageBannerLogo2[i]))

       //["one14", "two25", "three36"]
    var ımageBannerLogo:[String] = ["one", "two", "three"]
    var ımageBannerLogo1:[String] = ["1", "2", "3"]
    var ımageBannerLogo2 :[String] = ["4", "5", "6"]
    var ımageBannerLogoAll:[String] = []

for i in 0..<ımageBannerLogo.count{

//Result : ["one14", "two25", "three36"]

You need to append a sequence to an array this way. (See append(contentsOf:) doc)

ımageBannerLogo.append(contentsOf: ["one", "two", "three"])
ımageBannerLogo1.append(contentsOf: ["1", "2", "3"])
ımageBannerLogo2.append(contentsOf: ["4", "5", "6"])

You can then put them together with for loop like this.

for i in 0..<ımageBannerLogo.count {
    ımageBannerLogoAll.append(ımageBannerLogo[i] + ımageBannerLogo1[i] + ımageBannerLogo2[i])

Or, use zip and map like this.

ımageBannerLogoAll += zip(zip(ımageBannerLogo, ımageBannerLogo1), ımageBannerLogo2).map { $0.0 + $0.1 + $1 }
  • +=
    – user652038
    Commented Mar 31, 2020 at 13:58

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