I am trying to do a handshake with a server I downloaded from the internet. But when the client receives [SYN, ACK] it sends back a [RST]. Have no idea what is happening. Already checked the acknowledge and sequence number but everything seems ok.

In wireshark I got this:

enter image description here

Here is the handshake client source code:

from scapy.all import *

src_ip   = ""
dst_ip   = ""
src_port = random.randint(1024, 65535)
dst_port = 502

seq_nr   = random.randint(444, 8765432)
ack_nr   = 0

# Create SYN packet
ip       = IP (src   = src_ip, dst = dst_ip)
syn      = TCP(sport = src_port, dport = dst_port, flags='S', seq = seq_nr, ack = ack_nr)
pkt_syn  = ip / syn 


# send SYN packet and receive SYN/ACK packet
print('Sending SYN')
pkt_syn_ack = sr1(pkt_syn)
print('ACK received')

# Create the ACK packet
ack_nr   = pkt_syn_ack.seq + 1
seq_nr   = seq_nr + 1

ack = TCP(sport = src_port, dport = dst_port, flags = 'A', seq = seq_nr, ack = ack_nr)
send(ip / ack)


1 Answer 1


The problem is that your OS is receiving the SYN-ACK packet, has no idea why it was sent (as the OS itself didn't start a handshake) and reset the connection.

You can find some solutions here (for Linux)- Unwanted RST TCP packet with Scapy

Another option is to use a different IP than the OS's, or in Windows turn off the IP stack of the used interface (only if this is the only thing that you use this interface for!)

  • 1
    This is also mentioned in Scapy's FAQ: scapy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/…
    – Cukic0d
    Commented Jan 6, 2020 at 14:38
  • Thank you! Now I am facing another problem. After handshake, when receiving a package from the sever, the kernel (I think) sends back an ICMP. I don't know if these two problems are related. pasteboard.co/IOKXmzX.png
    – user72726
    Commented Jan 6, 2020 at 19:56
  • If you used the first solution in the link (dropping reset packets), I think using the second one (dropping all packets to the Scapy port) should help with the ICMP too
    – Shir
    Commented Jan 7, 2020 at 7:56

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