I tried to write TCP RST atack with Scapy,but my code doesn't work.Please,help me to solve my problem.

     from scapy.all import *

     def poison(packet):


There's something wrong with flags,I think.There's an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Univer.py", line 6, in sniff(filter='tcp',prn=poison)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/scapy/sendrecv.py", line 559, in sniff r = prn(p)
File "Univer.py", line 3, in poison packet[TCP].flags='RST'
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/scapy/packet.py", line 186, in setattr self.setfieldval(attr,val)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/scapy/packet.py", line 175, in setfieldval self.fields[attr] = any2i(self, val)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/scapy/fields.py", line 785, in any2i y |= 1 << self.names.index(i)

ValueError: substring not found

1 Answer 1


The correct way to set the TCP flags in Scapy is to use the short (one letter) form packet[TCP].flags = 'R'. With the current development version of Scapy, you can get the accepted flags using ls():

>>> ls(TCP, verbose=True)
sport         : ShortEnumField           = (20)
dport        : ShortEnumField           = (80)
seq            : IntField                           = (0)
ack            : IntField                            = (0)
dataofs    : BitField (4 bits)               = (None)
reserved  : BitField (3 bits)               = (0)
flags          : FlagsField (9 bits)          = (2)
               F, S, R, P, A, U, E, C, N
window    : ShortField                        = (8192)
chksum    : XShortField                      = (None)
urgptr       : ShortField                        = (0)
options     : TCPOptionsField            = ({})

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