I simply passing array to firebase to store data but it is not efficient way to query data from array. SO , I am planning to store data in mapping format. But not sure how to do that.

       "Code": "CIS695",
       "Instructor": "Dr. Antony",
       "Location": "BB444",
       "Name": "Capstone project"
   "PersonalDetials": [
       "Email": "[email protected]",
       "FName": "Ravi",
       "LName": "Shah",
       "Major": "MSIS"

Want to change in this format

       "Code": "CIS695",
       "Instructor": "Dr. Antony",
       "Location": "BB444",
       "Name": "Capstone project"
       "Code": "CIS690",
       "Instructor": "Dr. Smith",
       "Location": "BB444",
       "Name": "Project Management"
       "Email": "[email protected]",
       "FName": "Ravi",
       "LName": "Shah",
       "Major": "MSIS"

Tried everything but couldn't find the proper solution.Data structure in firebase

2 Answers 2


Considering that the structure of the data won't change, give this a try:

const data = {
  "ClassDetails": [{
    "Code": "CIS695",
    "Instructor": "Dr. Antony",
    "Location": "BB444",
    "Name": "Capstone project"
  "PersonalDetials": [{
    "Email": "[email protected]",
    "FName": "Ravi",
    "LName": "Shah",
    "Major": "MSIS"

const mappedData = { ...data
mappedData.ClassDetails = {};
for (const item in data.ClassDetails) {
  const itemToAdd = { ...data.ClassDetails[item]
  mappedData.ClassDetails[itemToAdd.Code] = itemToAdd;
mappedData.PersonalDetials = mappedData.PersonalDetials[0];



Try like this:

  output = {};
  constructor() {
    let classDetails = {};
    this.input.ClassDetails.forEach(item => {
      classDetails[item.Code] = item;
    this.output["ClassDetails"] = classDetails;
    this.output["PersonalDetials"] = this.input.PersonalDetials[0];

Working Demo

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