I am really puzzled here. I want to create an application that does different events upon different temperatures of my graphics card which is an AMD one.

The reason i want to make such an applications is because, for a GPU i haven't found one, and the second is to ensure i never fry my card by reaching enormous temps.

However i have no idea how people(not connected to amd/intel/nvidia) write applications to monitor temperatures of any kind.

So how does it happen? Some APIs i don't know or something?

  • 1
    Which platform are you talking about? Or are you looking for a cross-platform library? Commented May 1, 2011 at 13:21
  • 2
    Your GPU should automatically shut down if it reaches an unsafe temperature. If it doesn't, then it's badly designed... Commented May 1, 2011 at 13:21
  • OS is Windows. It may shutdown, but it may get damaged before it does so, so that is why i want to make events, just like SpeedFan, but for the GPU
    – dikidera
    Commented May 1, 2011 at 13:24

2 Answers 2


After a little bit of googling, i found this:

I think this is really vendor specific, it will probably involve interfacing directly with the motherboard or video driver and knowing which IOCTL represents the code for requesting the temperature. I reverse engineered a motherboard driver once for this purpose. It's not as hard as it sounds, download a manufacturer motherboard/BIOS utility and try to hook the function that gets called when that app needs to display the temperature to the user. Then watch for a call to DeviceIoControl() in Windows, or ioctl() in linux and see what the inputs / outputs are.

This may be your best bet. I found this information here:

Also found this:

Hope it helps.


You could use one of the existing GPU temperature monitoring programs, such as GPU-Z, configure it for continuous monitoring, and read the log entries.

RivaTuner is another GPU monitoring program, which has a shared memory interface allowing other programs to get the data in real-time, but is nVidia focused. As long as your action isn't "reduce the GPU clock speed" it'll probably work well enough with ATI cards.

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