I know this already been asked, but why doesn't the solution below work? I want to fill value with the last non-null value ordered by idx.

What I see:

 idx | coalesce 
   1 |        2
   2 |        4
   3 |         
   4 |         
   5 |       10
(5 rows)

What I want:

 idx | coalesce 
   1 |        2
   2 |        4
   3 |        4 
   4 |        4 
   5 |       10
(5 rows)


with base as (

    select 1    as idx
         , 2    as value


    select 2    as idx
         , 4    as value


    select 3    as idx
         , null as value


    select 4    as idx
         , null as value


    select 5    as idx
         , 10   as value

select idx
     , coalesce(value
              , last_value(value) over (order by case when value is null then -1
                                                 else idx
from base
order by idx

3 Answers 3


What you want is lag(ignore nulls). Here is one way to do what you want, using two window functions. The first defines the grouping for the NULL values and the second assigns the value:

select idx, value, coalesce(value, max(value) over (partition by grp))
from (select b.*, count(value) over (order by idx) as grp
      from base b
     ) b
order by idx;

You can also do this without subqueries by using arrays. Basically, take the last element not counting NULLs:

select idx, value, 
       (array_remove(array_agg(value) over (order by idx), null))[count(value) over (order by idx)]
from base b
order by idx;

Here is a db<>fiddle.

  • I understand and like your first solution, but why doesn't my solution work? Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 5:28
  • @GordonLinoff could you, please, comment on the performance of those queries? Will the option with array work for a large table?
    – Andronicus
    Commented Feb 10, 2020 at 10:23
  • They have locked it unless there is an edit in the answer.if u edit, I may undo it . Apologies for that
    – Fact
    Commented May 23, 2021 at 2:10

Well the last_value here doesn't make sense to me unless you can point out to me. Looking at the example you need the last non value which you can get it by: I am forming a group with the nulls and previous non null value so that I can get the first non value.

with base as (
select 1    as idx , 2    as value   union
select 2    as idx, -14    as value    union
select 3    as idx , null as value   union
select 4    as idx , null as value   union
select 5    as idx , 1   as value
Select idx,value,
first_value(value) Over(partition by rn) as new_val
select idx,value
    ,sum(case when value is not null then 1 end) over (order by idx) as rn
  from   base
) t

here is the code


  • Max(.) works if value is monotonic, as in the example, but not in general. Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 5:11
  • Do you want to share a sample data
    – Fact
    Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 5:18
  • Just change select 2 as idx, 4 as value to select 2 as idx, -4 as value. your_value for idx 3 and 4 is 2, instead of -4. Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 5:23

To see why your solution doesn't work, just look at the output if you order by the ordering in your window frame:

with base as (
    select 1    as idx
         , 2    as value
    select 2    as idx
         , 4    as value
    select 3    as idx
         , null as value
    select 4    as idx
         , null as value
    select 5    as idx
         , 10   as value
select idx, value from base
order by case when value is null then -1
                                                 else idx
 idx | value
   3 |
   4 |
   1 |     2
   2 |     4
   5 |    10

The last_value() window function will pick the last value in the current frame. Without changing any of the frame defaults, this will be the current row.

  • I'm expecting idx 3 and 4 to have value 4, which is the last non-null value ordered by idx. I'll update the question. Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 2:01
  • But doesn't the order by case... statement move all the nulls to beginning of the window? Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 5:15
  • It does move them to the beginning of the window, but the default frame of the window function is from the beginning of the window to the current row. So, last_value will return the current row, which is null.
    – Jeremy
    Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 12:05

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