Recently I have been learning about Feather JS. However I am pretty much confused by the difference between Express and Feather. One of the most important reason people use Feather is because of its capability to provide real time API. Can't Express use real time as well? What are the other differences that set Feather apart from Express?

  • OP - Stack Overflow is for straightforward answers to straight foward questions. Your questions doesn't fit that bill. You could try at programming.stackexchange.
    – dwjohnston
    Commented May 25, 2019 at 10:15

1 Answer 1


From the docs

Feathers is a tiny, fully compatible wrapper over Express and Socket.io

So it still uses express underneath.

Here am assuming, real time means being able to get data as soon as it's available (this could still be ambigous on how one defines, but yeah rough definition)

So, here real time could just mean pages getting loaded with data in real time (approx) using the underlying socket.io functionality.

So comming back to your question:

Can't Express use real time as well?

You can very well integrate socket.io on your own. Or really any other duplex socket technologies like websocket, or others like long polling, server-sent events etc.

What are the other differences that set Feather apart from Express?

This part is out of scope for SO question. But in simple terms Feather adds more functionality using express underneath.

  • 6
    Thanks. This answer is far better and helpful than just plain downvoting.
    – tnkh
    Commented May 26, 2019 at 3:35

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