Trying to learn pointers better I wrote this code. The intention was to print one character of a string at a time in a for loop. Again trying to learn how to increment a pointer and then dereference the pointer.

char *string = "abcdef";
char *pointer = &string; 

for (int i =0; i < 4; i++)

    printf("the next charater is %c\n", *pointer);
    pointer = (char *)pointer + sizeof(char);

want it to print:

the next charater is a

the next charater is b

the next charater is c

the next charater is d

3 Answers 3

char *pointer = &string; 

should be

char *pointer = string; 

string is a pointer variable that contains the address of your string literal. You want the address of the string literal, so you should simply copy the value in string - not take the address of the local pointer variable - your current code gives you a pointer to a pointer to a string.

Additionally, pointer = (char *)pointer + sizeof(char); doesn't require a cast, and it should not use sizeof(char). When incrementing a variable of type pointer to X, incrementing it by one will increment it by sizeof(X) bytes - increment by one to point at the next X. Use pointer += 1; or ++pointer instead.

  • cool so this works, could you please explain why. I thought "&" was the address of operator. so why doesn't the *pointer contain the address of string in my sample code. What is *pointer referencing in my sample code
    – user700048
    Commented Apr 9, 2011 at 23:32
  • @user700048: string points at "abcdef" - it already contains an address. What you do gives you the address of a variable which contains the address of "abcdef" - a pointer to a pointer to "abcdef"
    – Erik
    Commented Apr 9, 2011 at 23:34
  • @user700048: You're confused because you didn't just write char *pointer = "abcdef" in the first place: it's already an address. :) Commented Apr 10, 2011 at 0:29

If you want to print (or otherwise process) the whole string one char at a time, you may use the following idiom:

char *p = /* ... */;

while (p && *p) {
    printf("next char: %c\n", *p++);

The condition first tests whether p is NULL, i.e. if it is wise to dereference p at all. If p is not NULL, *p tests whether you already reached the end of the string, denoted by the '\0' character, which happens to be 0.


If you want to use pointer to pointer to string then you can use like this:

char *string = "abcdef";
char **pointer = &string;
int i;
for (i =0; i < 4; i++)

    printf("the next charater is %c\n", **pointer);
    *pointer = *pointer + sizeof(char);

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