While running the following command:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

I receive the following output: enter image description here

Which includes two errors:

1: AttributeError: _DistInfoDistribution__dep_map

2: KeyError: 'No metadata except PKG-INFO is available'

I'm using python3.7.1 with fresh install.

I couldn't find any solutions to the issue. Anyone knows how to handle that?


1 Answer 1


This is how I solved my pip fails to upgrade problem on Windows 10:

1) I had two versions of python installed and my previous version was added to the PATH variable, so I removed the previous PATH and added there my new Python version which was 3.7.1

2) Next I removed the previous version of Python and restarted my system.

I don't whether this will work or not but it worked for me.

Hope it helps :)

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