I am confused by the results from the following simplified code.

A Threaded object MyPool is to instantiate a variable number of MyWorker objects. As each MyWorker object is correctly instantiated, it should increment the $counter inside the MyPool class, to reflect how many correctly instantiated workers there are.

When called from inside a MyWorker object, the increaseCounter() function appears to execute (as per echo statement), but has no affect on the $counter property. However calling the same from the main thread works as expected.

How do I implement this simple concept?


error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

class MyPool extends Threaded
    public static $counter;
    public $workers;

    public function __construct()
        self::$counter = (int) 0;

        $workers[] = new MyWorker();
        $workers[] = new MyWorker();
        $workers[] = new MyWorker();


    public static function getCounter()
        return self::$counter;

    public static function increaseCounter()
        echo "counter has been increased inside MyPool\n";

class MyWorker extends Worker
    public function __construct()

    public function run()
        // do something then

    public function WorkerActive()

$MyPool = new MyPool();

echo "counter = ".MyPool::$counter."\n";
echo "counter = ".$MyPool->getCounter()."\n";
echo "counter = ".MyPool::getCounter()."\n";


echo "counter = ".MyPool::$counter."\n";
echo "counter = ".$MyPool->getCounter()."\n";
echo "counter = ".MyPool::getCounter()."\n";

The output is:

counter has been increased inside MyPool
counter has been increased inside MyPool
counter has been increased inside MyPool
counter = 0
counter = 0
counter = 0
counter has been increased inside MyPool
counter = 2
counter = 2
counter = 2

1 Answer 1


In pthreads static properties are thread-local and not shared between threads. Switch $counter property to object scope will help.

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