I have two angles (in degrees, limited to 0-359), and I want to find the directional difference between the two angles in the direction with the smallest number needed.

For example:

  1. 0, 359 would be -1 (left 1), and not +359
  2. 180, 2 would be -178 (left 178), and not +182

I found some code that allows me to find the difference without the direction. How should I modify this to work directionally?

180 - abs(abs(old - new) - 180)

1 Answer 1


I first started the pedestrian way and compared the two possible rotations:

def nearest_signed(old, new):
    angles = ((new - old)%360, (new - old)%360 - 360)
    return min(angles, key=abs)

We check the modulo-360 angle, and its complement in the other direction.

It seems to work:

>>> nearest_signed(0, 359)
>>> nearest_signed(359, 0)
>>> nearest_signed(180, 2)
>>> nearest_signed(2, 180)

Now, I wanted to see how this behaves, so I made a plot of every angle combination:

import numpy as np
matplotlib.pyplot as plt                   

news,olds = np.ogrid[:360, :360]
rights = (news - olds) % 360
lefts = rights - 360
take_rights = abs(rights) < abs(lefts)
nearest_signed = np.where(take_rights, rights, lefts)

fig,ax = plt.subplots()
cf = ax.contourf(news.ravel(), olds.ravel(), nearest_signed, cmap='viridis', levels=np.linspace(-180, 180, 100), vmin=-180, vmax=180)
ax.set_xlabel('new angle')
ax.set_ylabel('old angle')
cb = plt.colorbar(cf, boundaries=(-180, 180))

pretty plotted result

Now this makes it obvious that a simple modulo of the difference in angles should work. And sure enough:

>>> np.array_equal((news - olds + 180) % 360 - 180, nearest_signed)

Meaning that the formula you are looking for is

(new - old + 180) % 360 - 180

give or take a sign difference in your convention. If you count rotation signs the other way around, just switch the two angles:

(old - new + 180) % 360 - 180

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