It seems that vanilla eventListeners don't work when referencing dom-objects inside vue-components.


<p id="test1">Hover this (works)</p>
<div id="app">
    <p id="test2">Hover this (not working)</p>


document.querySelector('#test1').addEventListener('mouseover', function() {

document.querySelector('#test2').addEventListener('mouseover', function() {

new Vue({
    el: "#app"



Is this behaviour intended? Are there any other limitations when combining vanilla-js with vue?

  • What are the output ? That when you hover on the "hover this" it pops a window and when ou click on the "click" it pops a window ? (according to the jsfiddle)
    – LPK
    Commented Sep 27, 2018 at 10:02
  • 1
    Oh well, that was an old version of that fiddle. Just updated the link to match the description again. Thank you
    – Seltsam
    Commented Sep 27, 2018 at 10:13

1 Answer 1


Actually, the only one that is not working is the example with alert("HOVER2") and it's because Vue content is dynamically rendered, so when your script loads, the element to which you want to add the event listener might not be there yet.

If you want it to work, you would need to move it to mounted hook:

new Vue({
  el: "#app",
  mounted() {
    document.querySelector('#test2').addEventListener('click', function() { alert("HOVER2") })

Or you could use a little trick by putting your querySelector inside of setTimeout(() => ..., 0) which will push it to the end of the task queue and run it when all other queued tasks are finished:

setTimeout(() => document.querySelector('#test2').addEventListener('click', function() { alert("HOVER2") }), 0);

However, you should use Vue's built-in events and avoid doing direct DOM manipulations, because Vue discards whatever you've done to DOM and updates it with it's virtual DOM on next update tick. In this case it doesn't result in anything critical, but since Vue has it's own event handlers, you should use them.

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