There error message in question is

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin:3.1.0:shade (default) on project myapp-core: Error creating shaded jar: null: IllegalArgumentException -> [Help 1]

from mvn package in the myapp-core folder. mvn clean and mvn compile work fine. My project structure is


And myapp/pom.xml is defined by




And myapp/myapp-core/pom.xml is defined by


  • It is a much later version than the upgrade the version fix found in this question
  • the plugin is in the submodule pom rather than the parent pom as is the mistake here
  • and I have tried removing <packaging>jar</packaging> to no avail.

What does maven-shade-plugin need to successfully create the shaded jar?

EDIT: setting minimizeJar to false solves my problem, but why? Is there a better way, or a way to get the benefits of a minimised jar?


4 Answers 4


You can now use the latest release maven-shade-plugin:3.2.0 as of 13.09.2018 which shall solve the error while using minimizeJar (with JDK8+) :

  • For me, I had to change the version to 3.2.1. Not sure why but got the same error as OP when using 3.2.0. Project is using jdk 11
    – Chris Gong
    Commented May 3, 2022 at 14:14

As said in the edit, setting minimizeJar to false solves my problem.


Please take a look at this tutorial from Maven: https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-shade-plugin/usage.html

The configuration of the plugin changed a bit over past and you don't need to specify the transformations.

An example looks like this for 3.2.1:

          <!-- put your configurations here -->

I could solve this problem by upgrading to latest plugin version


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