I am subscribing to my data from an http get method:

  getEds(): void {
      .subscribe((eds: Education) => {
        this.eds = eds.educationData;

I am trying to display my courses for codeschool in an *ngFor loop but do not know how to access the data. My console log will show the entire array of objects so I know I am receiving the correct info. I've tried various syntax:

.subscribe((eds: any) => {
            this.eds = eds.educationData.course;

.subscribe((eds: any) => {
            this.eds = eds.educationData['codeschool'];

.subscribe((eds: any) => {
            this.eds = eds.educationData.codeschool;

None of these syntax work and the log shows undefined. I found this page which has great info and what I tried to use as a baseline.

Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON

However, I do not know what is wrong or why I cannot get the data I need. When I use

  .subscribe((eds: any) => {
    this.eds = eds.educationData;

and I log out (this.eds), my log shows:

0:{codeschool: Array(14), egghead: Array(6)}

Beyond this I haven't been able to get the data I want...... :(

  • It seems this getEds() returns an array; so, as explained by @Sidhanshu_, you can access each item by its index. Commented Jun 7, 2018 at 17:47
  • Possible duplicate of Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON
    – baao
    Commented Jun 7, 2018 at 17:47
  • Please use tags carefully. Your question has nothing to do with angular.
    – baao
    Commented Jun 7, 2018 at 17:47

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