Is it possible in a Flutter App to "concatenate" sound files without calling Swift/Java code to handle it for me? (Partially because I don't know Swift, and partially because I haven't figured out ffmpeg yet) The microphone provides either mp3 or wav files, and either works fine for me.

I'm attempting to make a Recording app that has more functionality than the ones I've previously found. Specifically, I want it to be able to pause the recording for an indefinite amount of time, and start again WITHOUT creating two files for the user to save -- it should combine them and save it later as a single file.

  • 1
    The short answer is yes, Dart is a turing complete language and you could say, port ffpmeg to Dart. The long answer is that it is probably much easier to use an existing native library (Swift/Java) than port something like that.
    – matanlurey
    Commented May 10, 2018 at 18:41

1 Answer 1


You can take a look about this


and for splitting



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