In ssms2017 text editor, when you click some words(variable/field/tablename..etc), others same words would highlight, but this color not enough HIGHLIGHT, I want change it, but i can't find out the item in Tool>options>font and color.

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


Go to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors.

Under Display items select "Brace Matching (Rectangle)" and change the item background.


enter image description here

Example Result

enter image description here

  • this actually changed the background color from the white background for me. not the background color when we highlight like you've shown..
    – User123
    Commented Jul 1, 2020 at 20:19

What worked for me was using the Highlighted Reference option. This helps when you're using tools like SQL Complete that like to highlight a lot.

Go to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors. Under Display items select "Highlighted Reference" and change the item foreground and background options.

SSMS Highlighted Reference Option

Code Example with the Highlighted Reference changes

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