I have the following struct:

type Record struct {
  Id     string   `json:"id"`
  ApiKey string   `json:"apiKey"`
  Body   []string `json:"body"`
  Type   string   `json:"type"`

Which is a Blueprint of a dynamoDB table. And I need somehow, delete the ApiKey, after using to check if the user has access to the giving record. Explaining:

I have and endpoint in my API where the user can send a id to get a item, but he needs to have access to the ID and the ApiKey (I'm using Id (uuid) + ApiKey) to create unique items.

How I'm doing:

 func getExtraction(id string, apiKey string) (Record, error) {
    svc := dynamodb.New(cfg)

    req := svc.GetItemRequest(&dynamodb.GetItemInput{
      TableName: aws.String(awsEnv.Dynamo_Table),
      Key: map[string]dynamodb.AttributeValue{
        "id": {
          S: aws.String(id),

    result, err := req.Send()
    if err != nil {
      return Record{}, err

    record := Record{}
    err = dynamodbattribute.UnmarshalMap(result.Item, &record)
    if err != nil {
      return Record{}, err

    if record.ApiKey != apiKey {
      return Record{}, fmt.Errorf("item %d not found", id)
    // Delete ApiKey from record
    return record, nil

After checking if the ApiKey is equal to the provided apiKey, I want to delete the ApiKey from record, but unfortunately that's not possible using delete.

Thank you.


2 Answers 2


There is no way to actually edit a golang type (such as a struct) at runtime. Unfortunately you haven't really explained what you are hoping to achieve by "deleting" the APIKey field.

General approaches would be:

  1. set the APIKey field to an empty string after inspection, if you dont want to display this field when empty set the json struct tag to omitempty (e.g `json:"apiKey,omitempty"`)

  2. set the APIKey field to never Marshal into JSON ( e.g ApiKey string `json:"-"`) and you will still be able to inspect it just wont display in JSON, you could take this further by adding a custom marshal / unmarshal function to handle this in one direction or in a context dependent way

  3. copy the data to a new struct, e.g type RecordNoAPI struct without the APIKey field and return that after you have inspected the original Record

  1. Created RecordShort structure without "ApiKey"
  2. Marshalin Record
  3. Unmarsaling Record to ShortRecord
type RecordShot struct {
  Id     string   `json:"id"`
  Body   []string `json:"body"`
  Type   string   `json:"type"`
json.Unmarshal([]byte(record), &RecordShot)

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