I am reviewing some code like this, where A is a moveable type:

// Returns true exactly when ownership of a is taken
bool MaybeConsume(A&& a) {
  if (some condition) {
    Consume(std::move(a));  // ???
    return true;
  return false;

// ... elsewhere ...

A a;
if (!MaybeConsume(std::move(a))) {
  a.DoSomething();  // !!!

Our static analysis tool complains that a is used after being moved (at !!!). IIUC std::move is only a static_cast, and the object a won't actually get gutted until a move constructor or assignment operator is called (presumably in Consume). Assuming MaybeConsume satisfies the contract in the comment,

  1. Does this work?
  2. Is it UB?
  3. Is std::move at ??? a no-op?

(Probably this particular instance can be refactored to avoid the subtlety, but I would still like to ask for my own understanding).

  • 3
    Note - I would consider changing it to MaybeConsume(A& a) just to make it less confusing. Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 4:37
  • at the end of "if (!MaybeConsume(std::move(a))) {", ownership of the object a has been transferred to function MaybeSonsume, and is never returned back.
    – John Z. Li
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 4:52
  • @JohnZ.Li No, transfer of ownership is dependent on some condition being true
    – Praetorian
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 4:57
  • 1
    @JohnZ.Li That is why I'm conceptually troubled by !!!, but my understanding is that std::move(a) by itself doesn't modify a, so the code still works (at least in practice, possibly not according to standard). eg see cpp.sh/8yuim
    – stewbasic
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 5:07
  • 3
    @JohnZ.Li You have strange ideas about how rvalue references and move semantics work. If MaybeConsume is indeed unconditionally assuming ownership of its argument, how would returning an rvalue reference, wrapped in a tuple or otherwise, transfer ownership back to the caller?
    – Praetorian
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 5:10

2 Answers 2


It's a spurious warning from your static analysis tool.

  1. Does this work?

Yes, MaybeConsume is doing what the comment says. It's only taking ownership of its argument when some condition is true (assuming Consume actually does move construct/assign from its argument).

std::move is indeed just a fancy static_cast<T&&> so MaybeConsume(std::move(a)) is not transferring ownership, you're simply binding a reference to MaybeConsume's parameter.

  1. Is it UB?

No, you're not making use of a if MaybeConsume indicates it has assumed ownership of its argument.

  1. Is std::move at ??? a no-op?

Well, it's a no-op because it's just a static_cast, but if you meant to ask whether it's unnecessary, then, no, it isn't. Within the body of MaybeConsume, a is an lvalue because it has a name. If the signature of Consume is void Consume(A&&), then the code won't compile without that std::move.

From the example usage you've shown, it seems you're not supposed to call MaybeConsume with a prvalue argument, since the caller should presumably use the argument in some other manner if the function returns false. If that's true, then you should change its signature to bool MaybeConsume(A&). This will probably make your static analysis tool happy because that would allow you to write if (!MaybeConsume(a)).

  • 1
    On further thought asking about UB was probably on the wrong track; since a moved from object should still be in a "valid but unspecified" state, I guess even using it in that case would not be UB.
    – stewbasic
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 5:19
  • 4
    @stewbasic Not quite, valid but unspecified is a promise the C++ standard library makes for moved from objects in std namespace. It's an excellent guideline to follow for your own types, but there's nothing in the language that enforces that. You can implement a type that dies a horrible death if used in any manner after moving from it if you choose to do so. As far as the standard library goes, you can use a moved from object in any way as long as you don't violate the preconditions for that operation.
    – Praetorian
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 5:26
  • 1
    I am pretty sure that a moved-from object has at least to be destructible, and destroying an object certainly counts as "being used".
    – Joker_vD
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 9:04

To understand why the static analysis tool raises a warning, one needs to think in the way a static analyzer does. When it sees a piece of code like below:

A a;

It is not clear what might happen inside fun() call. To successfully perform method() on a depends some prerequisites being satisfied, that might not( or no longer) holds after call of fun(). While the programmer might well know that it is safe to call method(), the analyzer does not, so it raises a warning.

The following is only my own opinion. It is safer to just assume the ownership of a is wholly taken by fun(). To prevent confusion, it is better to enforce a borrow-and-return style, Thinking of it as if a friend borrows a book from you, you don't (can not) use that book until it is returned. Thus never risk oneself accidentally invoke an object that should be "dead" by then.

See the below demonstration code:

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <tuple>
struct A {
    int *p; 
    A() {
        p = new int();
        assert(p != nullptr);
        std::cout << p << std::endl;
        std::cout << "default constrctor is called" << std::endl;
    A(const A&) = delete;
    A& operator=(const A&) = delete;
    A(A&& _a): p(_a.p) {
        _a.p = nullptr;
        std::cout << p << std::endl;
        std::cout << "move constructor is called" << std::endl;;
    A& operator=(A&& _a) {
        std::cout << "move assignment is called"<<std::endl;;
        p = std::move(_a.p);
        return *this;
    void DoSomthing(){
        std::cout << "do somthing is called" << std::endl;
        *p = 100;
        std::cout << "value of p is changed"<<std::endl;
std::tuple<A&&, bool>  MaybeConsume(A&& a) {
    if (1==2) {//try 1==1 alternatively
        delete a.p;
        a.p = nullptr;//consume
        std::cout << "content consumed" << std::endl;
        return std::make_tuple(Consume(std::move(a)), true);
    else {
        return std::make_tuple(std::move(a), false);

int main()
    A a;
    std::tuple<A&&, bool> t = MaybeConsume(std::move(a));
    if (!(std::get<bool> (t))) {
        A a1 = std::move(std::get<A&&>(t));
    return 0;
  • It looks like your Consume function only borrows a and returns it afterwards. Could you give an example where Consume permanently takes ownership of a? eg maybe A is std::unique_ptr<T> and the object a points to is freed in Consume.
    – stewbasic
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 5:59
  • 1
    Your example is just passing around references to the original a in main, it's never being moved from. Your comments above said MaybeConsume always takes ownership of a. That would be like adding auto a1 = std::move(a); as the first line within MaybeConsume and using a1 in the remainder of the function. In that case your example would have undefined behavior if you tried to use the reference returned in the tuple within main. Also, this isn't really an answer. If you're posting an answer, you should explain what it contains.
    – Praetorian
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 6:06
  • @stewbasic see the updated version. if resource owned by a is freed, DoSomething will never be called. still safe.
    – John Z. Li
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 8:11
  • Please keep in mind that calling method() is always supposed to be valid, as a move should always leave the object in a valid state, whatever it may be. An object that is being moved is not being destroyed. In your later example, DoSomthing is incorrectly implemented, as p being nullptr is an actual possibility after an object is being moved. So either you allocate new memory for a moved object, or you add a check in DoSomthing. A failure to do so just means that your object is not correctly implemented and not safe, and it violates the assumptions of a move.
    – Svalorzen
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 10:47

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