Knowing that pgAdmin III is a client postgresql that connects to a postgresql server, I have two questions:

  • Does pgAdmin III have auto-refresh of the data that it shows? If so, what is the interval of time?
  • Suppose pgADmin III has lost connection to the server (for example: a network problem), does pgAdmin III have auto-reconnect? If so, what is the interval of time?
  • @VaoTsun what do you mean by AFAIK? if the answer is no can you please give me a link.
    – ziMtyth
    Commented Jan 29, 2018 at 8:29

1 Answer 1


There's a workaround to keep the connection alive via a configuration file from libpq, the underlying PostgreSQL client library.

When you look at the connection configuration in PgAdmin-III, you will see a "service" option. This refers to the connection service file. To use it, create a ~/.pg_service.conf with contents like:


and when connecting from PgAdmin-III enter myherokudb in the service field.

See this answer for more details.

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