right now I'm writing a code in Visual Studio 2017 (Community).
The code is a mix of Asp.Net, C# and Javascript (with some plugins, like jQuery, knockout, etc..)

I'm facing a very frustrating thing in visual studio that is EVERY time I modify and save a single javascript file, Visual Studio starts a generation of ALL javascript files that slows down A LOT the computer (SSD, intel i5, 8gb RAM) until it finishes, sometimes I need to wait it finish to be able to continue writing my code.

I don't know why VS do this, but I want to know if it's possible to disable it and prevent VS to generate/compile those files every time a save just one file.

Here goes an image that show what VS do:
enter image description here

Somebody knows what is that and what can be done to disable it?

1 Answer 1


I was having a similar issue, and disabling the language service seemed to help me.

Tools > Options > Text Editor > JavaScript/TypeScript > Language Service

Disable Language Service

  • Great, it really helped, now VS appears faster than before and also is showing tips for pure javascript instead of typescript. Thanks! Commented Dec 7, 2017 at 19:36

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