If I don't want that a method on my class can be called, I just make it private.

But if I want to allow that method to be overridden, I have to make it protected

Is it possible to have a method on an abstract class that can't be called but can be overridden? (I guess not, but is there any workaround?)

Use case:

abstract class Super {

  protected void finalize() {


  public final void doThings() {
   // do stuff

and whoever wanted to extend the class:

class Sub extends Super {

  protected void finalize() {


But I don't want other classes calling mySub.finalize();

  • can't be called but can be overridden.... I dont get it, you want to override a method that you can not call??? Commented Aug 22, 2017 at 14:47
  • What would the purpose be for an overridable but not callable function? It kind of defeats the purpose. Maybe you should take a second look at your design. Commented Aug 22, 2017 at 14:47
  • 1
    OP wants a method, that is called inside the class, like a private, but also overridable... I think it is not possible, as if any class can see it to overrid, it can see it to call also... Commented Aug 22, 2017 at 14:50
  • the method would be used in the abstract class in a template pattern. Commented Aug 22, 2017 at 14:53
  • 2
    This whole thing has a bad smell...
    – Herr Derb
    Commented Aug 22, 2017 at 14:59

1 Answer 1


Instead of overwriting a method, the sub-class may provide the super-class with a Runnable which contains the code to be executed. You could do something like this:

public class Super {

    private final Runnable subClassCode;

    public Super(Runnable finalizeCode) {
        subClassCode = finalizeCode;

    public final void doThings() {
        // do stuff


public class Sub extends Super {

    public Sub() {
        super(() -> {
            // code to be executed in doThings()


You dont need to set the Runnable instance in the constructor. You may also give access to a protected setFinalizeCode(Runnable) method but that method could also be called by other classes within the same package as Super.

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