I use @SubscribeMapping in a Spring Boot application which heavily relies on WebSockets for data exchange. The application is secured with Spring Security.

Client-side I use Stomp over WebSocket:

this.socket = new WebSocket(this.socketUrl);
this.stompClient = Stomp.over(this.socket);
this.stompClient.debug = null;
    function(frame) {
    function(e) {
        window.setTimeout(function() {
        }.bind(this), 2500);

this.stompClient.subscribe('/topic/chart/' + chart.id,
    function(message, headers) {
        this.setChartData(chart, JSON.parse(message.body));
    }.bind(this), {
        "id" : "" + chart.id

Server-side, how can I get the currently logged user in the annotated methods ?

public void subscribeMapping(@DestinationVariable("id") final short id) {
    // Here I would need the current user...
    messagingTemplate.convertAndSend("/topic/chart/" + id, chartService.getChartData(account, sensor, new Date(), new Date()));

I have tried SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(), but it returns null.

1 Answer 1


You can try to add a Principal object as a method parameter. This interface is extended by Authentication which has several implementations available (Spring will inject the good one according to your configuration).

public void subscribeMapping(@DestinationVariable("id") final short id, Principal principal) {

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